temp problems


10 Years
Jun 16, 2009
western slope, Colorado
I've just made a still air incubator but can't get the temperature stable. I'm using a hot water thermostat like all the home mades suggested but the best I can get it too stay is a high at 103 or low of 91!!! Isn't 91 in the too cold range? How do I get the temp to be more even? Would a fan do it?

The Radio Shack in our town is lame and doesn't carry computer fans, infact they looked like they only sell cell phones now
I tried checking office depot and nothing... and Walmart doesn't have any either. I'm bust as far as stores go. I try to avoid ordering things over the internet if I can.
To be honest, I never had much luck with the hot water heater thermostats. I know that others have, but I couldn't get mine fine tuned very well.

What are you using for heat? Is it possible that the heat source is too hot, causing a sudden spike in temperature before the thermostat can react?

However, if it is the thermostat, I would order a wafer thermostat from https://www.gqfmfg.com/store/front.asp My hova bator uses one and is always amazingly accurate, keeping the temperature within .2 degrees. You can call them to place an order, then you don't have to worry ordering online.
do you have a picture of your thermostat? I have a different style than what is commonly shown on BYC.
we can go from there if yours is same as mine. I have mine set now to 3 degrees variance. It is very satisfying.
I a, useing a hot water thermostat at the moment. My temp hold from 97-102. So far all of my eggs are developing correctly. As for a fan how large is your incubator. Also how are you going to tune down your voltage for a PC fan. Most of your Pc fans are 12 volt not 110 volt.
does yours have the screws on this side? the left screw will be #1 screw. it is a fatter thermostat than standard. can you remove black plastic cover? sorry, bad pic.

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I'm using a water heater thermo and am having no problem 99-101. I also have a computer fan in mine. I went to a computer repair business and asked for a used one. They gave it to me, can't get much cheaper than that.
If you are using a light bulb for your heat source, maybe go to a lower wattage. I had to go down to a 15 watt one. A higher wattage causes the temp to go up quickly and by the time the thermostat shuts off it continues rising a bit just from residual heat in the bulb. I do have a fan but I am using a hot water heater thermostat as well. The lower wattage bulb makes the temps change much slower, but they are easier to regulate. I think the size of the bator determines the type of heat source you can use. If you've already tried this, sorry for the repeat info.

Also, after I added the fan, everything had to be readjusted as far as the thermostat. Mine currently holds within a 2.5 degree range with the lower wattage bulb. I am just tweaking the range now.

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