TEMPERATURE QUESTION in Home-made incubator....IS THIS OKAY????

Layin Eggs

12 Years
Nov 4, 2007
South Eastern, MA
Tomorrow evening makes day 18
. Because of our scattered hatch, we will be moving the first set of eggs into our home-made (hubbybator). We have had the bator running for the past two days to make sure temp and humidity is stable.

My question is....When the lightbulb is on we get a reading of 100.2 but once the lightbulb shuts off temp drops to 99.4. The temp probes are in a water wiggler. Will this constant back and fourth temp change be something to worry about?

any suggestions to stabalize it better? Thanks Lisa
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No that is fine even my sportsman will have readings of 99.5 - 100.5 so you are fine. Good luck on your hatch. I have 3 frizzle cochin that have hatched with more on the way.
You're fine, I wouldn't worry about it. I still have bigger variations in my homemade incubator, but have a 30-40% hatch. Doesn't seem too good, but I've had other various problems with the hatches.

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