Temperatures and Humidity


Jun 23, 2022
Hey! I’m new to incubating quail eggs. For a while now, the digital temperature I bought for my incubator said 110° F but when I use a temperature gun and get the temperature of the eggs themselves, it reals 99-101°. Help?? Am I doing something wrong? Also, even while using a small bowl with a cloth and water, the humidity stays low. I’m on day two and no changes when candling yet :(. Help
What breed of Quail are you incubating?

The internal temp gage inside incubators can come out of calibration easily, it's best to purchase a good thermometer/humidity guage from an incubation supply place and put that inside the bator. This way you really know what the temp and humidity levels are. I have never used a temp gun on eggs, so I am not sure.

If this incubator has vents, you might close them down 3/4s to keep more humidity in.
What breed of Quail are you incubating?

The internal temp gage inside incubators can come out of calibration easily, it's best to purchase a good thermometer/humidity guage from an incubation supply place and put that inside the bator. This way you really know what the temp and humidity levels are. I have never used a temp gun on eggs, so I am not sure.

If this incubator has vents, you might close them down 3/4s to keep more humidity in.
Hey! Thanks for replying. They are coturnix quails. There are just a few small holes for ventilation which I don’t think is the problem. For the thermometer and hydrometer, I did buy a separate one I see a bunch of people using and it’s only one or two degrees off the one the incubator has. Still the same problem :(
Oh and you don't want to candle yet, eggs are in that stage that becoming chilled even a bit and it can cause blood rings, death to the egg.
Depends what you say "low humidity" is, I run my incubator at 30% humidity until lockdown, never had an issue. I don't add water.

Also, you will struggle to see much on Day 2, wait until Day 4 then you should start to really see things happening
Where are you keeping the machine? Definitely keep it out of a room with AC, drafts and temp changes.

Coturnix do ok with drier humidity, as long as it's at least 35% they should do OK. Is your machine a forced air?
Where are you keeping the machine? Definitely keep it out of a room with AC, drafts and temp changes.

Coturnix do ok with drier humidity, as long as it's at least 35% they should do OK. Is your machine a forced air?
I use 20-30% until lockdown, nearer 30% in the summer months. A friend dry incubated successfully at 15-20% multiple times and now uses that as her usual setup.

If there is a draft, try surrounding incubator with cardboard or fabrics like old clothes. Mine fits in a shoe box (I have large feet), and I pop a t-shirt over the top when it's colder.
Where are you keeping the machine? Definitely keep it out of a room with AC, drafts and temp changes.

Coturnix do ok with drier humidity, as long as it's at least 35% they should do OK. Is your machine a forced air?
I am keeping the machine in my room (usually fan on) under a bed where it is much calmer. The humidity is around 30-39%

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