Temporary indoor coop due to weather, need help?!

I'm new to chickens so this is just a idea (and how I did my brooder) I went and got tall moving boxes and cut a couple sides so I could join them for walls, I spread a old tarp out and set up my cardboard walls on the tarp and dumped a bunch of shavings in. It's easy to clean up. Just fold the tarp up and drag it outside, dump shavings, and spray off.
Some boxes in the basement would work. They won't need heat. Please do not use a heat lamp with cardboard boxes in your basement.
Your snow will melt in the next week, I bet. Get out there and bust a** on that coop! Your pullets are going to be dirty and stinky in the house. You will probably get sick of them quickly. I know that I can't wait to move my birds outside when we hatch some.

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