Temporary roosts for young chickens??


7 Years
Apr 7, 2015
Anyone have any suggestions for temporary lower to the ground roost design? My chicks are only 6 weeks old and too little to make it all the way up to where my other roosts are, but I didn't want them sleeping on the ground either unless as a last resort until they're old enough to get up that high and not get hurt flying down?
Any tips you may have are welcomed!!3
I have used old sawhorses.


Current setup with 4-week-old chicks has a wooden dowel suspended about 6.5 feet up. Sawhorse is intermediate step at first but chicks now able to power up all the way now.


See thread below for some description on what happened. Parents greatly expedite chicks roosting up. Rooster alone better than hens or unrelated juveniles.

Right now my roosts are way up up near the roof, basically the rafters, my coop isn't all that tall though. 6 feet maybe.
When ours were little I built a small PVC perch like this one. I also wrapped the top piece with paracord for more grip. Drill a hole in one end of the top, push the paracord down through it and knot it. Then wrap across the perch, and repeat the process on the other end to "lock" the paracord on there. Worked like a charm. Get some PVC cutters and it takes a total of maybe 5 minutes to make (a little longer to wrap the paracord).

You can make this any size width and height you want, just takes a little more pvc!


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