Temps are supposed to hit 110 F this week. I am worried about my chickens. Will they be OK?


Jul 20, 2015
Columbia Heights MN
Temperatures are supposed to reach 110 F this week. My chickens seem to hate weather above 90 F, so I am worried that they might not survive. Their "coop" is inside a concrete building which usually stays cool but it gets quite hot in hotter weather sometimes. Will they be OK? If not what can I do? Should I bring them inside where it is air conditioned, fill up a kiddie pool for them, or put ice in their water?
My chickens are-
3 black australorps
1 Easter Egger
3 Red Stars.
I have never brought my chickens inside, just have too many of them
For extreme heat, fans are very helpful! Swamp coolers are awesome too.
2 liter bottles and milk jugs filled with water and frozen are helpful placed around the coop/run.
It's also good to give them cold watermelon (high water content) and fruits/veggies frozen in a bowl of water turned out into an old pie tin.
If you want to fill a shallow pan with cool water for them, it helps to cool their feet. I don't recommend a kiddie pool filled with water.

If you make sure they are well hydrated, have shade and air movement, they should be fine.
Keep an eye on them often and watch for signs of heat stress and dehydration.
I have never brought my chickens inside, just have too many of them
For extreme heat, fans are very helpful! Swamp coolers are awesome too.
2 liter bottles and milk jugs filled with water and frozen are helpful placed around the coop/run.
It's also good to give them cold watermelon (high water content) and fruits/veggies frozen in a bowl of water turned out into an old pie tin.
If you want to fill a shallow pan with cool water for them, it helps to cool their feet. I don't recommend a kiddie pool filled with water.

If you make sure they are well hydrated, have shade and air movement, they should be fine.
Keep an eye on them often and watch for signs of heat stress and dehydration.
Ok, thanks. I don't have a swamp cooler (I want one but can't afford one, plus it is usually humid here so they don't work well). What should I do if they still seem stressed even when I have done all this?
Shade is very important. If you don't have enough, you can make some with tables, shade cloth, and by planting bushes or trees. Having multiple water stations, just gallon water bowls in different parts of the yard since sunny spots move, help. I like to change my water around 4 o'clock to make sure the water is cool if it has become too warm. Using a fan in one end of the coop blowing outside, can draw fresh air into the coop.

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