TEN 6 week old I.D.'s :-)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 25, 2013
Hi there! My next door neighbor bought 10 chicks at the same time we got our 5 & she needs help identifying her ladies. I think she has (just my own opinion):
--a broiler chicken (all white)
--a delaware (white with black flecks)
--2 barred rocks
--1 RIR or buckey (the all red one -- how do you tell the difference?)
--2 EE's (green legs & multi-colored/gold flecked -- one really looks like a roo to me with the thick neck & tail feathers?)
--A buff brahma (feather feet)
--an australorp (obviously all black)
--a RIR with white throughout? I have no clue about the red/white girl...
Also, do any look like obvious Roo's to you??? Thanks so much for your input! We're so excited about our new babies. They're all around 6 weeks old currently.

Hi there! My next door neighbor bought 10 chicks at the same time we got our 5 & she needs help identifying her ladies. I think she has (just my own opinion):
--a broiler chicken (all white)
--a delaware (white with black flecks)
--2 barred rocks
--1 RIR or buckey (the all red one -- how do you tell the difference?)
--2 EE's (green legs & multi-colored/gold flecked -- one really looks like a roo to me with the thick neck & tail feathers?)
--A buff brahma (feather feet)
--an australorp (obviously all black)
--a RIR with white throughout? I have no clue about the red/white girl...
Also, do any look like obvious Roo's to you??? Thanks so much for your input! We're so excited about our new babies. They're all around 6 weeks old currently.

The last one that you think is a RIR is a red sex link (girl). Other than that, I think you are right on target!

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