ten day old runt


In the Brooder
May 7, 2015
I have 8 baby chicks ranging from 10-15 days old and one (barred rock) is significantly smaller than the others. she seems to eat and drink and poop but i need any advice on how to give her the best fighting chance.
we just lost a golden laced wyandotte last night and she was as small as this one is.
will probiotics help? a mash? HELP
Probiotics could help, also Nutridrench liquid vitamins or Polyvisol (infant vitamin drops without Iron), can give her some boiled mashed egg yolk and yogurt as an extra boost... mostly just make sure she keeps eating, drinking, pooping normal and is active... if she gets a little peaked looking, you may want to give all the chicks some Corid for coccidiosis... good luck and hope she stays healthy! :)
Probiotics could help, also Nutridrench liquid vitamins or Polyvisol (infant vitamin drops without Iron), can give her some boiled mashed egg yolk and yogurt as an extra boost... mostly just make sure she keeps eating, drinking, pooping normal and is active... if she gets a little peaked looking, you may want to give all the chicks some Corid for coccidiosis... good luck and hope she stays healthy!
sorry I'm new to chickens but what does it mean if she gets peaked looking?
sorry I'm new to chickens but what does it mean if she gets peaked looking?

Oh, sorry! Peaked actually is a term my mom used to use for anything looking unwell at all... if she starts sitting still, hunching up, being quiet or peeping constantly, losing weight, pasty butt or just looking like she's not feeling well is what I mean... and those are signs of cocci as well... I only brought that up since you said you lost 1 chick already... losing 1 can happen, sometimes they just don't thrive, but if any others start looking unwell, it is a sign of something more... coccidiosis is very common with chicks, usually it shows when they pick it up from outside, but feed store and hatchery chicks are known for having it/getting it when you bring them home... hope this helps you and feel free to ask more questions if you need to! :)
One of my silver laced wyandottes was a runt. She was literally half the size of the other chicks that were the same age as her. She ended up catching up around 6-7 weeks. If she's eating, drink, pooping and active she should be ok. my runts name is peanut. She actually ended up having issues with her top beak the first couple centimeters died but now that shes 13 weeks shes the same size and just as healthy and uses her messed up beak just fine. Your little chick might have some minor thing stunting her growth you can't tell what it is yet. Save-a-chick at tractor supply is supposed to help. I used Gro-gel on mine I had a few that looked weak after shipping and it perked them right up. Also you can get electrolytes to put in their water it gives them more vitamins and nutrients and helps them stay better hydrated.
I also have a runt amongst mine. my girls are 5 weeks and the runt is a SLW. she is about half the size of the others and struggled with pasty butt for awhile. My 3 other girls are almost fully feathered while the runt is still in ugly vulture stage. She seems to be catching up, eats, poos and drinks Normally. I think runts are common than not

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