Tethers and Why They Should Never Be Used on Peafowl

new 2 pfowl

Jan 13, 2012
Dunedin, NZ
In case anyone is foolish enough to want to continue this conversation, please restrict it to this thread.
Thank you!

New thread by request of Zaz and doubtless strongly endorsed by all.
Thank you new2
Sorry about asking that question earlier. I just couldn't believe what I read and had to ask since I do not have any peas. I was gone most of the day and evening and saw the aftermath tonight. Birdbrain, why do you insist that what you are doing is ok after many highly qualified and experienced people have told you otherwise?
..... This is the story of a boy .... a young boy who needs love.
He buys peacocks and want to receive affection of his peacocks.
When peacocks are young, there are no problems because they so desperately need aid! ... they are so cute !
Now peacocks are adults and need independence ...they don't want to be manipulated anymore.
Peacocks have realized that they are not human but peacocks and they want to live like peacocks. Their character has changed!
But the young boy has not changed ... he still a little kid who always need affection!
So why not attached the peacock ....used when he wants .... " I bought it, I paid for it ... it's mine ... I need a slave available all the time! "
Peacock has not the character of a dog (a slave pet ) but more the character of a cat ... independent .... distance !
But the young boy goes to be mature, not a baby anymore ... he will understand ... he's not stupid!
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Birdbrain is a kid? That was him in the pictures? I was thinking the boy was his son. Even though I am on break, I may have to go into junior high teacher mode then.
Birdbrain is a kid? That was him in the pictures? I was thinking the boy was his son. Even though I am on break, I may have to go into junior high teacher mode then.

Good luck. I have a son, just a bit younger than birdrain and I have tried my best to reason with him as I would my son, but this is a kid who KNOWS IT ALL and if the animal in question will not bend to his will then it is the animal's fault if it gets hurt or dies. This is an outdated, but all too common way of thinking among the older farm folks in my area. My husband grew up with grandparents who were exactly like this, "animals are on this earth for the enjoyment of humans and if they don't cooperate we'll just eat them and get more". Pretty much sums it up.
He won't listen, this is is very post on 12 20 2013 from the locked thread .

Then I got peafowl eggs from the person I got all these guys from. I hatched out 2 out of the 5 eggs I got. There names were Ion and Aurora. Aurora died because when I had a tether on her leg she wouldn't stop flying and she pulled both legs out of socket and then she died a week after.

(He tethered her leg but both legs got pulled out of socket)
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The tethers used on show birds is very short and used as a safety measure to ensure that the bird doesn't get loose. All the better suggestions in the world aired among ourselves isn't going to change show rules. Many rural communities have FFA and 4H to help train our young to properly handle animals and showing is one of the tools used. Done properly, tethering for show won't hurt the bird. Everyone, sooner or later, adult or child will eventually do something stupid that results in the harm of the animal/s in their care. Bragging about it not happening yet is akin to the old "my child will never act like that", you're asking for it. The only good that comes of it is that we learn from the experience and never make the same mistake twice. One of the purposes of this thread is to help everyone else learn from our mistakes, so they don't personally have to experience them. Sorry to continue to preach but the bottom line is that none of us know much if anything about tethering and aside from knowing that we don't/wouldn't do it can't have an intelligent conversation about it.
The tethers used on show birds is very short and used as a safety measure to ensure that the bird doesn't get loose. All the better suggestions in the world aired among ourselves isn't going to change show rules. Many rural communities have FFA and 4H to help train our young to properly handle animals and showing is one of the tools used. Done properly, tethering for show won't hurt the bird. Everyone, sooner or later, adult or child will eventually do something stupid that results in the harm of the animal/s in their care. Bragging about it not happening yet is akin to the old "my child will never act like that", you're asking for it. The only good that comes of it is that we learn from the experience and never make the same mistake twice. One of the purposes of this thread is to help everyone else learn from our mistakes, so they don't personally have to experience them. Sorry to continue to preach but the bottom line is that none of us know much if anything about tethering and aside from knowing that we don't/wouldn't do it can't have an intelligent conversation about it.

It's not clear what your point is here???

There is an individual here who has already done "something stupid that results in the harm of the animal/s in their care," however they do not seem to have learned from the experience. They are continuing to make the same mistake.

Most of us do not need to learn from this mistake, as we would never tether peas. The purpose of this thread is to encourage the person who made the mistake not to continue with behavior that could be harmful to peas.

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