Texas BYC Cafe


5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
Quitman, Texas
This is a Drama free thread where Texans can talk, dream and make plans for their future with our feathered friends. We talk about out families, our jobs, our lives, post recipes, jokes and silly dreams for ideas on TV shows. There is no one allow that will be mean and unkind to others. In this part if Texas we help each other and support each other in what ever is going on. If you think you would like to be a part of this part of Texas then join in with me!!
Too funny. So here are the pictures of what I have been doing for the past 3+ weeks!


Hey, What's for supper!?!?!

You've been busy A1!!! No wonder you've been mia!

I got my bucket waterer finished this weekend. It was easy, peasy. No more changing water buckets every morning!

I've also been working on my raised garden. I have most of my cinder blocks in, and went ahead and planted a little bit this morning. I'll post a pic of it tomorrow.

I don't have much planted yet. Just 3 tomatoes, 2 squash, 6 okra and some sweet onions. It's a small bed, so don't have room for much. I plan on putting up more once we have the outside pen built.
Hey, What's for supper!?!?!

You've been busy A1!!! No wonder you've been mia!

I got my bucket waterer finished this weekend. It was easy, peasy. No  more changing water buckets every morning! 

I've also been working on my raised garden. I have most of my cinder blocks in, and went ahead and planted a little bit this morning. I'll post a pic of it tomorrow.

I don't have much planted yet. Just 3 tomatoes, 2 squash, 6 okra and some sweet onions. It's a small bed, so don't have room for much. I plan on putting up more once we have the outside pen built.

LOL sounds like a lot of good stuff for supper when our gardens are ready. I have about 6 tomatoes, 2 tomatillos, 4 hot japalenos plants, 4 yellow squash, 3 zucchini, an egg plant and onions. I still have to plant cucumbers and cantaloupe.

On your okra, it really likes hot weather so if it doesn't do really well right now replant it later next month and see how it does. I'm planting mine when my onions are done. I love gardening!!
I should get my worms this week to start my worm farm. Lol such the farm girl am I! Lol
Wow! Everyone has been busy. The coop is looking great Kimberly. :)

My garden is doing ok. I think it did better last year though. Something is eating the leaves on my beans already this year. I guess they remember it from last year? I sprayed Neem Oil and will keep spraying weekly now. I hate to spray, but at least this is organic and won't harm the bees.

I picked up some Hot and Spicy oregano. I need to find some recipes for it. I think Thai maybe....

I met a new person to cycle with and a friend I cycled with last summer is in training for a tri right now so I can ride with him more now too. I like to ride with people rather than alone.

I'm working on scraping the house.

This is my progress after 6 (long) hours. I need help. Like professional help!

Here you can see all the colours the house has been. My brick is terra cotta orange. What were people thinking?! I'm painting it a whitish color by Behr called Silver Sky.

Silly me thought I could scrape the porch in one weekend and paint the next!!
Wow! Everyone has been busy. The coop is looking great Kimberly. :) My garden is doing ok. I think it did better last year though. Something is eating the leaves on my beans already this year. I guess they remember it from last year? I sprayed Neem Oil and will keep spraying weekly now. I hate to spray, but at least this is organic and won't harm the bees. I picked up some Hot and Spicy oregano. I need to find some recipes for it. I think Thai maybe.... I met a new person to cycle with and a friend I cycled with last summer is in training for a tri right now so I can ride with him more now too. I like to ride with people rather than alone. I'm working on scraping the house. This is my progress after 6 (long) hours. I need help. Like professional help! Here you can see all the colours the house has been. My brick is terra cotta orange. What were people thinking?! I'm painting it a whitish color by Behr called Silver Sky. Silly me thought I could scrape the porch in one weekend and paint the next!! :gig
It's funny how our minds just tell us how easy something will be. My hubby says I come up with these projects and I think just "tap tap tap" and it's done. Lol Well, in my mind it doesn't seem that hard. So I understand your thinking!! And everything is more fun with other people rather than alone. I know with me when u was going to the gym, it was always better with a friend.

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