Texas heat and a broody hen


6 Years
Mar 9, 2016
Fredericksburg, TX
I live in Texas and the heat has been exceptionally brutal this summer, 100+ degrees every day. I have a broody hen on her 11th day of setting and I am starting to really worry about her in this heat. She is panting, full beak open panting. I normally never interfere with a broody and let her do her thing but is there anything I should do for her in this case?
I just had this same issue. Kansas here, and we’re on our twelfth day in a row of 99-100°.
I keep a shop fan in my coop all summer. At night, I aim it at the roost. In the morning, I aim it at the nests.
I think this really helped her stay cool enough while she was broody.
I should think any thing you can do to keep her cool would be a good thing, also the last time I had a broody hen in very hot weather the eggs failed to hatch. It was an inexperienced hen though, so maybe that wasn't the problem.
Maybe you could improve the ventilation?
South la, temps 90-95 daily, our humidity is far worse than most of tx.. my broody just hatched 12/14 eggs. And the other has 6 days left on 5 eggs. I didnt do anything for either, they are just in shaded nesting boxes.

let nature take its course, they will be fine.
Thank you for the replies! I did prop the nesting box door open a Crack today, hoping to help ventilation. This is her second time hatching so she does have some experience. I was thinking of adding a fan but was afraid it would spook her off the eggs, but I'm thinking it's worth a try. Sure would hate to lose her, she is one of my best hens.
I live in Texas and the heat has been exceptionally brutal this summer, 100+ degrees every day. I have a broody hen on her 11th day of setting and I am starting to really worry about her in this heat. She is panting, full beak open panting. I normally never interfere with a broody and let her do her thing but is there anything I should do for her in this case?
I just posted a very similar post! I live in east Texas, and my coop temp climbs in the 100s everyday lately. Of all the times to go broody....you'd think they'd pick a cooler temp.

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