Thank Goodness for BYC! Newbie from Lakeland, FL


10 Years
May 28, 2011
Lakeland, FL

I am so new to this that we don't even have our chicks yet! I'm very glad that I have found your website via google search. I would be lost without the valuable information that all of you have so kindly shared.

My son (8 years old) is an animal lover and fell in love with the idea of raising chickens. I'm a softie, and like to encourage him to do the things he loves, so agreed to his newly hatched chicken scheme. ;-)

We ordered from On July 18th, we will be receiving one each of these baby chick breeds:

-Plymouth Rock
-Speckled Sussex
-Easter Egger
-Cochin (white)

For a total of 6 chickens.

My son is so excited about this project! He can't wait to get started, and has been looking at pictures and information about the breeds he will be receiving. He even took this information to school with him to show his friends. I, on the other hand, have been reading, reading... and looking on for used chicken coops and runs for sale.

My son is graduating from 2nd grade this year and is a wonderful son and student. I might add that he is also a very good salesperson (especially when it comes to animals). I am a single mother, disabled veteran, and now full-time student. I am currently attending USF for a B.S. in health sciences. We are both members of a cat rescue group here in town. We also have 2 indoor cats of our own, 2 outdoor (rescue) cats, 2 foster cats, 2 african dwarf frogs, 12 guppies, 1 large snail, and a golden-doodle that is 3 years old. Oh, I almost forgot our pet toad, named George, that lives in a flowerpot on our front porch and eats cat food and ants.



Carol and Max
from Indiana!!!!
from Indiana!

I have a Barred Plymouth Rock and they are SO sweet. Great choice!
My daughter is 6 and loves having chickens. She's even talked me into hatching some. Watch out, he'll be teaching you chicken math in no time!

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