Thank someone for their talents and skills!

Coops Dad

Free Ranging
May 10, 2020
too close to Waco, TX
Someone like me, for instance. I got home after driving a tractor trailer a million miles and found that the postman had delivered my car's the rod ends. I grabbed a beer, jacked up the car and replaced the tie rod ends. Then I took some string and a couple of jackstands and did a four-wheel alignment using the geometry and math that I told Ms. Pitzer (my high school geometry teacher) that I'd never need in real life.

After I got done, my wife told me how much she appreciates all the stuff I'm able to do that saves us so much money. She said none of her girlfriends's husbands are nearly so hands-on and they actually PAY people to do stuff.

Made me feel really good.

Just happy.
Clapping Applause GIF
and hey, if no one thanks you, you can always make a post on the internet about it and tell everyone how great you are.
I'm not great; most days I feel mediocre and pretty overwhelmed. I work 5 and 6 days a week, sometimes gone overnight driving a tractor trailer, and I usually hear about the water main bursting or a leak in the roof during a phone call from home when I'm 900 miles and two days away. Yesterday, my wife saw how hard I work and that I do what I can to keep our family budget in the black and it affected me more deeply than I expected it would.

I felt extraordinarily blessed at her recognition. It meant a lot and I wanted to share.
I wish my husband could take a compliment. He works his butt off and I go out of my way to let him know I see it and appreciate it but he brushes it aside. 😕 apparently words of affirmation aren't his love language!
I don't take compliments well either but, coming from my wife, they strike deeply even if I don't show it.

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