Thank you so much for adding me into this group.

Not too early at all. Just search for brooding and raising chicks articles and threads, and figure out how you want to raise them (indoors, outdoors). Figure out their living space and food, water etc. And go for it!
Your fine but if it gets colder there outside you want to make sure you get some cold hardy breeds I will be able to list a few if you want or do u have any breeds that you had in mind
I love my Rhode Island reds and I like the fluffy faced ameraucanas they are so cute and cold hardy to but I really recommend the Rhode Island reds they are the best birds I have ever had. There are black Australorp, buff orpington, Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire red, welsummer, bareveler they are all good breeds but they lay different numbers of eggs a year so if your wanting as many eggs as you can get I recommend the Rhode Island reds buff orpingtons black Australorp and the New Hampshire reds good luck hope this helps
And is you need more help and more breeds you can check out the reviews at the top of the screen where it says reviews you can look at the different breeds and what other people like and don't like about the breeds good luck
I love the Orpingtons, Sex Links, Wyandottes, and Aurecanas and Amerecaunas. What do you suggest?

All of those are cold hardy breeds. However unless you are willing to pay big bucks from a breeder your Araucanas and Ameraucanas will actually be Easter Eggers rather than true Araucanas and Ameraucanas. Easter Eggers are hybrids produced by crossing blue egg layers (such as Araucanas and Ameraucanas) with brown egg layers to produce offspring that lay eggs in colors other than just blue (usually some shade of green). Hatcheries and feed stores frequently and incorrectly market their Easter Eggers as Araucanas or Ameraucanas when they are in fact EE hybrids. Buff Orpingtons are a very calm and gentle breed and Black Sex Links are my personal favorite hens as they are very friendly and hardy laying machines that consistently churn out more than 300 large brown eggs per hen per year. Other cold hardy breeds that have a reputation for being calm and gentle (good lap pets) include Australorps, Faverolles, Sussex, Brahmas, and Cochins. Of course there can always be an exception with any breed. If egg production is a priority, Australorps are the next best brown egg layers to the sex links. Whatever breeds you decide to get, good luck with your flock.
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