Thankful for YOU - 2020

This year isn't over yet, it's been a strenuous marathon on many fronts.(WX Pun enforced)

Thanks for the wisdom.
Shared, all over this forum.
Even painful ones.

I am thankful for those whom exist on "both sides of the curtain" here in BYC.

The DIY spirit is also a very vibrant well to drink from.

All them 'Nutters are a welcome respite for refreshing fun.

Folks across the globe, from my birth state, or the state I reside in now; and all those I've traveled through or lived in too!

Every "thread" is a part of the larger tapistry in here that connects us all.

I'd like to think our chickens (and all the other species - kiddos included) appreciate it too.

/end of line.
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I'm sorry for not axe murdering you. I know I promised.

Grateful for too many to mention. I'd forget someone.
@BantyChooks, you will always be my favorite... Along with my other favorites 💕
Wick...get your axe.
Ready Conan?

It's time.
I am thankful for @Kiki @muddy75 @R2elk @casportpony @... OMG. What have I done? I can't possibly finish the list! There are far too many people who have made me welcome here from the moment I first joined looking for information on raising quail.

Gratitude is a common attribute among happy people. May we all be happy, grateful for what we do have, and not ever have to worry too much about what we don't have.
I'd like to thank everyone on the BYC staff for taking care of this wonderful site. I know that I step out of line sometimes, but thank you for keeping me around despite this.

And thank you, @CarpCharacin, for all the work that you did before you resigned from the staff, and for tolerating all of my hugs and my occasionally violent encouragement.

And, of course, thanks to all the nutters in Kiki's Nutter Asylum for being totally crazy and making me laugh a heck of a lot. Not so thankful for the faints, but whatever -- the laughs outweigh the couch use.

And of course, thanks to all the people who post information on how to help chickens and other poultry -- I can't name everyone, but thank you all!
So much caring, compassion & 🐔 ❤ here! I just want to add how wonderful it is to be here! 2020 has been so awful, frightening & uncertain, the news is often disturbing & depressing.
But between you all on this site & the company & zany antics of my flock...I'm feeling pretty good. 👍

Thank you for making me feel like part of the family 👪

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