Thanks for all the help!! Coop, run, and electrified pasture, all set!!


5 Years
Aug 12, 2014
Of course we have some tweaking to do, but our set-up was moved into last night and the 44 5-week-old chicks LOVE it!!

Here's the specs:
COOP: old 10'x10' pony shed, retrofitted (chicks are straight run, so I promise they won't be overcrowded for the winter!!)
Floor is the giant plank flooring reclaimed from our 150+ year old barn that burned in '05
2X4s as roosts
Nesting boxes are on the to-do list (maybe red milk crates? We have a ton!)
Cute little chicken door cut in by grandpa ;)

12'X8' (6' high) dog kennel on Craigslist for $75. Super condition. Still needs chicken wire top ASAP to keep hawks deterred

Premier PoultryNet with double spikes, 48" high, 164' to start. Still makes a good sized pasture!
Kube 4000 energizer
HotGate (lifesaver!! Love it already!)

Got all the ideas and advice on here! Thanks again!!
(BTW, my DH was still finishing the gate when this pic was taken, so it's all secure and set now.)




Looks great! I'd love to see the hotgate. I have a similar setup and use the premier poultry net as well but I just turn it off and pull a post up to get in.
Looks great! I'd love to see the hotgate. I have a similar setup and use the premier poultry net as well but I just turn it off and pull a post up to get in.
Check it out below. I have one of these, makes it a lot easier to get in and out. Don't have to turn the fence off.
To the O.P. Nice setup, That Kube ( I have the same charger, and it's been going strong for almost 4yrs now) charger will handle several of those 164' ers. You could expand the range big time.
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Thanks! And I actually read quite a bit from you, Jack, before pulling the trigger. Just got one set of fence to try it out (and b/c I'm in the "red" from getting into chickens at the this rate, I will pay them off 5 generations from now *maybe!*)

The standard fence in 48" height and double stakes seems to be sufficient for us--relatively low-lying, flat, easy area down here where we're keeping the chickens.

Don't mind the tub in the yard--it's original to our 150-year-old farmhouse and we took it out of the old pony shed when we retrofitted it. We'll be keeping it...but not in the middle of they yard!!

Hot gate is awesome. Don't know how I would do it without. Kube & extra wiring are actually attached to the back of the coop and we'll be running power down soon underground (right now it's classy overhead extension cords running from our Morton Building...)








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