The Aloha Chicken Project

Here are updated pics of this small, gamey, odd-colored hen. She's too small, not good body type, white legs. But I had to keep her because her color is so weird. I'm kind of curious to see what happens if I cross her with either a pure Speckled Sussex roo, or the pure Swedish rooster.

First chick photos that I shared earlier:

First baby pic

Second baby pic

Pics taken today:

We still have what, three months or so before she fully matures? What an unusual hen.
The other two chicks!

Hen. Color is nice so far. Size is "meh". Body type is OK. Worth growing out for a few months, that's for sure.

Rooster. Good size comparison. See that spotty hen I love, how she is so much bigger than him? (She is THAT big!)

So, this guy is not that big. But, he's not tiny either. So far he's just a "maybe" but I'm giving him a chance. The key will be how much white he retains. If he starts to lose that white, he's outta here!
Yes, they are the same pattern as Light Brahma, but instead of a pure black the neck feathers are Dun . . . kind of a coco-brown or dark steel gray color. It's neat. You are welcome to eggs from them in a few months. :)
I am so disappointed, the only 2 chicks that survived are both males, and neither are particularly good examples. All that work and both will have to be culled. :(

Cull them then try try again.
Hey Runswscissors,

How many babies did you start with? I usually try to hatch out 15-30 chicks at once. It makes it a lot easier with this breed if you do bigger groups of chicks. With more "established" breeds you can get away with hatching only a few chicks, since you're just basically copying what already exists, but with these guys I have to hatch out a LOT of chicks!

I find that raising only a few chicks at once (less than ten chicks) just tends to frustrate me. (Which is why I'm raising about 50 chicks right now!!!)
I set 3 dozen eggs. Not sure what in the world went so horribly wrong but only 5 came close to hatching or did in fact hatch. 2 pipped and died, one hatched fine and died, the 2 survivors are males.

I think I'll have to get another shallower base for my Reptibator lid. It's digital and has humidity controls as well, so it's a great start, but the base is too deep... Gah!!! Back to the drawing board I suppose.

To top it off my hens are now eating their eggs and I may well have to butcher all but the Alohas; and build them a special nesting box. Those cuckoo marans and their thin shelled eggs got them all started, and now I'm not getting any eggs!

Talk about a winter of my discontent!! *stoopid* chickens!
ARRGH! That would totally drive me nuts, too! My boyfriend didn't pick up eggs while I was out of town this summer and mine started to peck at the eggs! Luckily, when I got back and started giving them more free range time, plus picking up the eggs several times per day so they weren't sitting there, they finally stopped. But I had a couple dabbling with egg-eating ideas, too, for a while! It was awful.

How weird is that with the eggs? You totally should have had better results with three dozen eggs. Do you think it was the incubator? I think I recall my friend trying one of the Reptile incubators, too, and having issues .. . but I'm not sure? I do know the conditions for Reptile eggs and chicken eggs are a bit different. I wonder if the incubator was the issue?

I really love my Hovabator "Genesis" model with the fan and auto thermostat. I missed out on one on Craigslist locally that was listed for $70 and used just once (mine was $200 new!) but anyway, keep an eye on your local Craigslist if it ends up being a 'bator issue, and try to find a cheap used one. I found a great Hovabator with fan AND egg turner for $50 locally, and before I bought the Genesis is was my favorite. It still works awesome!!! After really heavy use by TWO owners, no less. LOL.

I'm so sorry you're having issues. And of course the ONLY two you'd have make it would be stinky ROOS. Arrrgh!
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