The Aloha Chicken Project

Today is wet and dreary and my birds are covered in wood ash. I'll have to wash my favorite chicken first. LOL! They love those wood ashes (keeps the mites at bay) but it certainly doesn't do anything for their looks! I will get it done within the week, though, if at all possible.
i still love the tail on that rooster, what a hunk.

my friends aloha eggs started hatching today. so far 21 and still going!! its going to be a good hatch, almost all of those eggs were fertile, and there were close to 30 at lockdown. woohoo.
sommer, i am very sad to report that my amazing pullet may in fact be an amazing cockerel.
i was so excited to have a huge good looking female to put with a SF roo. its not looking so good tho. i spent a lot of time out in the coop today (had to clean up a broken bulb) and just watched my flock. to my dismay this is what i discovered...
notice those 2 tail feathers? they are sticking out funny and thats why i kept staring at this chicken

ahh, are those hackle feathers?? i think so....

but alas, if a roo, he is one very good looking roo indeed.

who out there has the roo with the twisty tail feathers? i think this one might follow in those footsteps. but look i swear just 3 days ago this pullet had the perfect little fan tail! the rain turned her male! this will be the very first time i have mis-sexed an aloha, they are so easy to tell, practically from birth. she had all the signs of being female. there is one more like her in my friends flock. i am going to get out there this week and see if she turned rooster on me also.
animallover, Sommer outlined what we're working toward within the last month, look back through the posts for the information. If you have trouble finding it, let me know and I'll track the post number down for you.

notinoz, how disappointing but that is a fantastic rooster. I don't have anything like him, yet. He's beautiful!

My puffy cheek rooster, Ricky, with all the fabulous color passed on lots of puffy cheeks and I have another little roo just like him with the puffy cheeks. He's adorable, by the way, puffy cheeks and all, but I do have some others that will be almost as colorful and not pass on puffy cheeks. My DS slipped a bantam egg in the bator on me and it came out with adorable puffy cheeks. How funny. It looks like a mini Easter Egger and the kids are crazy about it so I'll be hanging on to that little one.

I'm really excited to see what this season's breeding season brings all of us!

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