The Aloha Chicken Project

So I have been following the thread for quite some time, what was the point of introducing NN into the mix? Size?
I wasn't breeding for the NN gene at all! My neighbor had a huge, fantastic Buff Coloumbian hen with yellow legs who just happened to have a Naked Neck. If Naked Necks creep you out the gene can be easily removed in one generation. It's not recessive, which means the NN thing can't "hide" and suddenly pop up later in future chicks! So it's fun for people who happen to like NN, but it wasn't introduced on purpose.

I thought some of the NN people might enjoy the Aloha colors. It turns out, the Mottling gene is also carried in a lot of Turken / NN lines, so actually it's a pretty good fit. :)

Here are some shots of one of the Mottled Partridge chicks:





See the eyeliner?


See that partridge coloring coming through? I thought being bred to red the babies would take on a red coloring. Oh we'll if nothing else I'll have a line of mottled Naked Necks.

Hoping to work them in with the Aloha coloring.
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Doesn't look like many aren't looking at the thread lately but in going to go ahead and post some pictures of my surviving Alohas.


Mister Bo Spangles. A Spangled Aloha.


A Buff Speckled Aloha hen. I going to our her with a Columbian with red leakage Naked Neck rooster. @alohachickens any ideal if I might get mottling out if this pairing. His mother was also a Columbian color and her daddy was a mottling carrier. The Salmon rooster that I had.


Here is the only Aloha Naked Neck I've got left. She is being set up with Mister Bo Spangles for some chicks.

There is also a NN hen from the Alohas eggs that is NN but turned out a reddish color almost orange. Sorry I didn't get picture is her.

I'm setting up runs with he mating that I want for the New Years Hatch.

I've gotten three or four eggs from these or some 4 from the Easter Hatch. So they shod all start laying pretty soon.
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I never post but I always read this thread. I like the NN alohas for their heat tolerance. I can't have a rooster in town or I would see if I could help you get them going. I live in YUMA and we travel to Phx quite a bit.
Doesn't look like many aren't looking at the thread lately but in going to go ahead and post some pictures of my surviving Alohas.

Mister Bo Spangles. A Spangled Aloha.

A Buff Speckled Aloha hen. I going to our her with a Columbian with red leakage Naked Neck rooster. @alohachickens any ideal if I might get mottling out if this pairing. His mother was also a Columbian color and her daddy was a mottling carrier. The Salmon rooster that I had.

Here is the only Aloha Naked Neck I've got left. She is being set up with Mister Bo Spangles for some chicks.

There is also a NN hen from the Alohas eggs that is NN but turned out a reddish color almost orange. Sorry I didn't get picture is her.

I'm setting up runs with he mating that I want for the New Years Hatch.

I've gotten three or four eggs from these or some 4 from the Easter Hatch. So they shod all start laying pretty soon.

Thanks for posting your pictures, it is nice to see results.

Here is the only Aloha Naked Neck I've got left. She is being set up with Mister Bo Spangles for some chicks.

I've gotten three or four eggs from these or some 4 from the Easter Hatch. So they shod all start laying pretty soon.
This hen is really cool looking, can't wait to see her chicks!

Things have been quiet here, I went out of town for 10 days, so I didn't want to hatch a bunch of chicks and have to leave them with a pet sitter. No hatching lately because of this.

Not that I even COULD have hatched - we have had our extreme heat really hold on longer than normal. It was 107-108 in mid-September, and then 106 just a couple of days ago. We've had temps closer to normal in-between (normal for this time of year is 100-102) but those super high temps cause infertility in the roosters. Back in July, I tried to hatch chicks for a local. I filled the two small 'bators with 42 eggs each (84 total) and only hatched 15 live chicks. Most of the eggs were blanks. Only about 30 were fertile and I had just a 50% hatch rate on those.

I felt like I was just wasting eggs with those results, considering how high eggs are selling in the store, so I've been helping my extended family by sharing all this summer's eggs with them.

Now our heat FINALLY broke - yesterday! We dipped "way down" to 99 degrees, after a week of 103-106. This is our first 10 day forecast with no 100's since - May?

So looks like maybe it will be time to start filling the incubators soon! I have had a lot of interest from locals for chicks, just not excited about starting things up again if I was going to get such horrible hatch rates. LOL.
I need to take new pictures, but here are the latest ones from my Alohas.
This is my top girl, Stella:

And my top rooster, Lilo...

and a few other nice hens...

I never post but I always read this thread. I like the NN alohas for their heat tolerance. I can't have a rooster in town or I would see if I could help you get them going. I live in YUMA and we travel to Phx quite a bit.

I'm in Yuma and planning on breeding mine. If you want to leave your hens with one of my boys for a few days, or borrow one for a few days, or something, you're welcome to.
I'm in Yuma and planning on breeding mine. If you want to leave your hens with one of my boys for a few days, or borrow one for a few days, or something, you're welcome to.

That's very nice of you to offer. I don't have any alohas currently though. I wish.

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