The Aloha Chicken Project

Hey @alohachickens,

Is @Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex still around and working with the Aloha program. I looked and saw that October 2013 was the last she posted.
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I guess it wasn't meant to be for me to have spotted chickens.

Something raided one if my runs last night night and got both my Aloha hen and my Aloha Naked Neck hen.

That just leaves me with my Spangled Aloha rooster. So looks like there won't be any Aloha babies come this January.
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Thank you. But so is life.

I'll pick up the pieces and carry on. Still have the Spangled Aloha rooster, and have one Mottled Partridge hen. I'll try mating them and see what I get. I also have a red hen that came from the Aloha project and should carry the mottling gene, so if I can get these three though all thus predation maybe I can get a few more to get it back on track.

Cant let myself cry over spilled milk, even though it is frustrating and I feel like it sometimes. I just put on my big boy pants and go on about life.
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This hen is really cool looking, can't wait to see her chicks!

Things have been quiet here, I went out of town for 10 days, so I didn't want to hatch a bunch of chicks and have to leave them with a pet sitter. No hatching lately because of this.

Not that I even COULD have hatched - we have had our extreme heat really hold on longer than normal. It was 107-108 in mid-September, and then 106 just a couple of days ago. We've had temps closer to normal in-between (normal for this time of year is 100-102) but those super high temps cause infertility in the roosters. Back in July, I tried to hatch chicks for a local. I filled the two small 'bators with 42 eggs each (84 total) and only hatched 15 live chicks. Most of the eggs were blanks. Only about 30 were fertile and I had just a 50% hatch rate on those.

I felt like I was just wasting eggs with those results, considering how high eggs are selling in the store, so I've been helping my extended family by sharing all this summer's eggs with them.

Now our heat FINALLY broke - yesterday! We dipped "way down" to 99 degrees, after a week of 103-106. This is our first 10 day forecast with no 100's since - May?

So looks like maybe it will be time to start filling the incubators soon! I have had a lot of interest from locals for chicks, just not excited about starting things up again if I was going to get such horrible hatch rates. LOL.

I need to catch up reading on this thread, but draye has gotten me hooked on the idea of aloha Naked Necks. Do you ever ship chicks? (Or do you know someone closer to Central Texas who has alohas?) I thought it might be nice to have some alohas to cross with my NNs.

I think these are such beautiful birds!!!!!!

- Ant Farm
Ant Farm

What airy of Central Texas? About how far from Little Rock. I got friends in Texas I think they're around the Central part. Honestly though I'm not sure I could remember the torn names. I usually just see them as get are passing through here.

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