The Aloha Chicken Project

I would love to have some of these however I currently have no room for another project :( however my great grandpa probably does have the room and he has been showing me articles and stuff about alohas for awhile now we live south of Phoenix, has anyone thought of using the smaller alohas to create a bantam version for those low on space? I might be getting some spangled russion orloffs soon would that work to breed with some aloha hens?
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I would love to have some of these however I currently have no room for another project
however my great grandpa probably does have the room and he has been showing me articles and stuff about alohas for awhile now we live south of Phoenix, has anyone thought of using the smaller alohas to create a bantam version for those low on space? I might be getting some spangled russion orloffs soon would that work to breed with some aloha hens?
There is a "bantam" version already! It is a very rare Swedish breed called Olandsk Dwarf. They are exactly what I am trying to get my Alohas to look like, only I want my Alohas much bigger, LOL! Here is a recently ended auction for hatching eggs:

I heard the Olandsk can be tricky to get started, those eggs are expensive and like all shipped eggs, hatch rates are hit or miss. I have had anywhere from 0 to 6 chicks hatch from a dozen eggs sent to me. How far the eggs are shipped makes a big difference, my best hatch rate was on eggs shipped from California. That being said, I also tried to ship Aloha eggs to a person in Los Angeles and they had zero hatch! And I sent a LOT of eggs! So you never know what the Post Office is going to do with that box, LOL.

If you don't want to invest in pricey Olandsk eggs, since you are in town, I could try to see if I can pen up some of my smaller original Aloha hens. They are the most colorful hens. They aren't Bantam sized, but they are definitely smaller. Most people wanting to buy are looking for BIG chickens so I am trying to breed them up in size. Nobody who has come to the house to buy has requested Bantams. All buyers have shown a lot of interest in my biggest roosters, I get a lot of comments about people being very impressed with the "big boys" and it seems folks will pay more for large hens vs small hens.

So if you are looking for Batams with the Aloha look, check out the Olandsk and let me know if you get into them!

If you want some Alohas, I have plenty of gorgeous hens on the small-ish side. Some hens are so gorgeous, even if they are small, I have to keep them for the amazing color!!!
I would love to have some of these however I currently have no room for another project
however my great grandpa probably does have the room and he has been showing me articles and stuff about alohas for awhile now we live south of Phoenix, has anyone thought of using the smaller alohas to create a bantam version for those low on space? I might be getting some spangled russion orloffs soon would that work to breed with some aloha hens?
Oh, and forgot to add - Russian Orloffs would not be a good mix with Alohas. Wrong body type. Alohas should look like Sussex or New Hampshire red in body type.

Orloffs have the pea combs, muffy faces, more "upright" body shape. Alohas should be nice and deep through the keel. Good round "traditional" chicken shape. Alohas should be the "farm chicken" body type - like you took a Rhode Island Red and dressed it up in fancy spotted colors.
Here is a decent pic of the Aloha body type on a different breed (RIR in this case)

Note yellow legs, single upright comb, long tail.

Here is a current Aloha rooster that I have bred, who is perfect except he could use a little more "mass" to his body:

Although he is a little young still, barely 6 months. So he may fill out a little more. He did have yellow legs as a chick though they have faded recently. He's very close to being at the goal.

Above is my current favorite Aloha rooster, fully mature. Has a bit of black to him which is nice.

Here is a teenager I'm growing out. Faults: That comb is too small and he is also small-ish in size.

What I love: Bright yellow legs and TONS TONS TONS of white spotting. I may pen him with some of my big, plain hens. Chicks would be smaller but would carry gene for yellow leg and for lots of white. So he will be of use, on a limited basis.

These are three of my current Aloha roosters. They look very different than Russian Orloffs! LOL.

Last year I gave some chicks to my friend Jessica, and she kept all the boys. Here are a couple of them. They are small, but this is the Aloha goal, only bigger.
If you like smaller chickens, you may want some chicks from her stock!

They aren't big but they are BEAUTIFUL.
Because anything can go wrong during incubation (like the time I once bumped the dial while moving my incubator and the temps went up to 108 and cooked almost 300 eggs) I never ask for payment until the first chicks are starting to hatch and the Post Office clears the shipment. So basically, the day before they ship, whenever that ends up being! :)
Sounds great. Please keep me in the loop as the time gets closer. Thanks again !!!!!!!

Last year I gave some chicks to my friend Jessica, and she kept all the boys. Here are a couple of them. They are small, but this is the Aloha goal, only bigger.
If you like smaller chickens, you may want some chicks from her stock!

They aren't big but they are BEAUTIFUL.
Man talk about some good looking hunks ! ;) I'm hopping to get some Speckled Sussex to cross with the Aloha's. Looking around for anyone who has any fertile sussex eggs to put into my incubator.
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The weather was beautiful today, so I decided to take a few pics of some hens.

The hen above is two years old.

The other three are youngsters, just coming into laying.

All are part of the breeding flock this year. Can't wait to see what hatches.
The weather was beautiful today, so I decided to take a few pics of some hens. The hen above is two years old. The other three are youngsters, just coming into laying. All are part of the breeding flock this year. Can't wait to see what hatches.
Beautiful. I like the the Buffy-orange colored ones. Do you still have any of the Bsked Neck hens?
Beautiful. I like the the Buffy-orange colored ones.

Do you still have any of the Bsked Neck hens?
Just posted some of the Aloha NN pics on the Calico NN thread!

I have at least 4 spotty NN hens - I think it's actually 5 but two look very similar?

Plus, my friend has a GORGEOUS Buff Mottled hen that I gave her this summer. Hope to borrow her back for some chicks.

And, I just set up another local person with some Aloha chicks. We got I think 8 NN Alohas in this batch for her to raise.

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