The Aloha Chicken Project

For what it's worth, here's the data for the S&G NNs at week 5 (recall they were sort of lost in shipping and were in bad shape - you can see a few are pretty small). The big ones are BIG. One is over 2 pounds at 5 weeks. And one that is close to 2 pounds looks like it might even be a girl!

That chart is fascinating! The weight seems all over the place. However, that probably makes choosing the "keepers" for breeding that much easier?

Color on them looks great, and it's awesome that you have info from your former rooster "Tank" to compare them to. I love how scientific your program data is. You're on top of this!
Thanks! Yeah, this is all over the place because of the shipping issues and some of them getting a slow start or are stunted.

Here is the same chart at 5 weeks for the Tank x GNH (orange for boys, purple for girls, blue is daddy Tank) - they are all from the same trio, all healthy and got a good start, hatched here. It helps me keep track for selecting the largest. I don't blindly go by the biggest, but it's a plus when evaluating, and I don't keep small breeders.

- Ant Farm
So for Live chicks - it could be literally this week or wait a whole year to try again. (You are pretty far South though, so winter Live shipments would not be out of the question, luckily.)

If anyone reading this wants to try a batch of shipped chicks - April 4th or 5th is the potential ship date if someone wants to try and get started.

This batch hatching on the 4th is from some of my very best hens and roosters. It would be a great opportunity for someone across the country to get an Aloha flock going!

Probably a very good thing I am reading this a week late. My husband would say I am just flitting from one chicken obsession to another, but... those birds!
Photo bomb of the chicks - they're getting big and are fully feathered in. (They are inside still because I'm building their new growout pens). I'll split into a few posts. Sorry, they squirmed, and there were a lot of them to weigh... (And some sot of slumped - they don't like being weighed.)

LOTTA boys...

@alohachickens - I recall you talking about dun being in your flock - I don't remember a lot of details about it, but can you tell me if perhaps these two might have it?

- Ant Farm
@alohachickens - I recall you talking about dun being in your flock - I don't remember a lot of details about it, but can you tell me if perhaps these two might have it?

- Ant Farm
For sure the hen on top. The rooster, I can't quite tell from the photos. Since these are NN's, and none of my NN hens here have Dun, that means it has to have come from the rooster.

There was only *one* rooster carrying Dun in the pen, so that means any Naked Neck carrying Dun, their daddy was this handsome boy:

You can see he's obviously "courting" these NN hens in the pics, so that gives us a good idea who the parents are.

This particular rooster, he is tall but despite his good size, was not the dominant rooster in the pen, he was actually #3. No aggression at all ever noted from him. I liked his large comb, long tail, good size, and nice chest spotting. He is not as "meaty" as the #1 head honcho in the pen but overall a well built rooster.
There are also three hens in my flock, all "regular neck" who carry Dun, so if any of the "normal" feathered chicks turn up with Dun then it could come from Mom's side.

That's the great thing about Dun, it's a simple dominant, and it's not sex linked, so it's just if either parent has it you have a 50/50 shot.

Overall, can you tell me / show me who are your favorite ROOSTERS so far? (Since obviously you'd keep any pretty hens.) I'm curious as to who you're leaning towards at this stage.
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