The Aloha Chicken Project

First thing, relax and breathe! Chickens would never have survived all these millenia if they were so terribly fragile... They will survive, honest! Just keep the humidity no higher than 40% (if you can :D ) Just about 48 hrs before the lil guys hatch jack the humidity to roughly 80%. Just remember these guys are true to their banty roots and start hatch at 20 days... Believe me, I don't comment too much but I am really excited too.

Notinoz came over yesterday to pick up some Aloha eggs. She's loaning her incubator to an elementary school. (She will get the resulting Aloha chicks back.) She noted that there was a LOT of interest from the teachers there! Word got out about the gal with the 'bator! I'm thinking that if this continues, I'll have to write something up to explain the project for science teachers, so the older grades can us the project to help explain recessive vs. dominant genes.

Plus the exposure to all those families - who apparently don't realize chickens can be kept in suburbia here? More chances to spread the "chicken in every backyard" love of poultry in general.
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LIVE ALOHA CHICKS - Available for sale on the 26th.

Attention to any "lurkers" on this thread who are considering joining in, PM me if interested.

Ruri can't take this batch due to work commitments that week, so if there are any potential new breeders out there who want to get started, two previous batches of live chicks were shipped out with no problems. Cost ran about $70 because we used "Express" shipping - which I would recommend to anyone more than a one day drive out of Phoenix.

Success with shipped eggs is pretty dismal, so this is your best shot.

I may or may not be able to ship one more batch this Spring, then it will have to shut down until October. Phoenix heat is brutal and prevents shipping after May. (But, I have an upcoming surgery in May, so I will be taking a break from hatching chicks. No chicks hatched out means obviously no chicks to put in the mail, ha ha ha.)

I may also post in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum, though I'm not really interested in "selling chicks" in general, but more of setting up a new breeder who is interested in the project. If I just want to sell chicks, my neighbors would be happy to purchase these, LOL. Looking for a SAFE home where someone will keep the best and out-cross those few to good large breeds.
In uncommon form, I actually did what I said I yesterday, and took some pictures of the 4-week-old chicks this morning... (note, 5 Aloha's are actually 3 weeks old, and 3 hatchery RIR's are 1-2 weeks old) Also, 5 of these birds are from Tamra's eggs... the lighter buff ones.

I can definitely see the RED influence from my RIR/NHR roo in some of these. And there's clearly some white visible - but I'm not sure what that means, i.e., will go away? (considering this was supposed to be a recessive-mottling generation.) In many cases the white is on the tips of feathers. Some of the chicks with white are in the top percentile of size, which is a good sign. One has some really interesting gray/blue mixed in with the red base, and white spots. And of course some are quite dark, with barred-type darker coloring. Thankfully most of those seem to be the smaller ones.

Look at all those cute little things!
I think I see three rooster already. But wow, look at the spots! They are not quite as varied as the original (all Aloha) batch was, but they are still pretty good looking peeps. Now I just need to get my breeding pens straightened out and hatch out some Sussex crosses! Mixed with the above birds my Sussex crosses should get some awesome progress made for us.
I am thinking that the 5 of those chicks which came from my flock are half Aloha (some from each rooster, I now suspect) half buff Orpington.
This is getting exciting!
This is wildly exciting to me.... I love seeing the pictures from the rest of you all! Please let's keep 'em coming. I'd take you up on it Aloha, but then I'd be sleeping with them as I'd be homeless if I did that. (Not quite kidding there)

I would happily trade chickens/chicks for the same from anyone in the area, please pm me for my location. I am in Oregon though.

For what it's worth I have been using medicated chick starter for mine.

edited to add: I have 4 buff orpingtons that I bought to add to the bloodlines, if anyone needs/wants to add to their outcross potentials
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I heard a NYD chick try to crow yesterday. Darn Aloha Overachievers....

Sommer, you'll need to come pick through the roos and see if any catch your eye before I move them along.

You can also come take culls for your neighbor, if you want.

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