The Aloha Chicken Project

runs, so exciting to see your birds!

alohachickens, here are some of the grey legged hens. I have 12 total but these are the prettiest of the group.

#1 This is a medium sized hen and I think she's really pretty.

#2 This is a nice ginger girl, she's medium sized.

#3 This girl has a very few indistinct white spots

#4 This hen is thicker than the other grey leg girls. Just a little bit of white but it's nice and bright could color up really nice.

#5 I have about four other hens of similar coloring but they have less or no white and one has puff cheeks. I like this one and think she would be nice crossed with one of my Buff Rock roos to lighten her up?

I'll split the following roo pictures up by twos for those with dial up.
Hmmm . . . interesting. Clearly a half-Sussex rooster, but he does have copious amounts of white on him! And the Mahogany color gene would be weakened by the half-Aloha. His type is just kind of "all right" at this point . . . but if he was crossed to pure New Hampshire Hens, you might get some really good type hens that carry a lot of mottling. The hens from this guy crossed with a NHR might end up with yellow legs, round bodies, and terrific laying ability. They would probably end up a nice bright red color, and would be very helpful "farm hens" that would also carry spotting genes.
here is another

Not too sure whether to keep him.

This would be a fun one to try with purebred Sussex hens! Keep the hens with yellow legs and the best spots. Could be some nice stuff with that cross. :)
All righty! Here are some photos of my roosters. There will be several posts to keeps things more manageable for dial up folks...

Here is one guy, that I plan to keep:
His white spots are staying if look at his neck you can see his spots are increasing!

Here is another of the same boy:
I love his bold colouring, as well as his deep rich background colour!
#2 has a very gamey "raptor" look which is the exact opposite of the "fat round farm hen" that I'd like the Alohas to have eventually, but what GORGEOUS color!

#5 may end up being surprisingly cute when grown . . . I say toss her in with the buff rooster and give her a shot! ;)
runs, so exciting to see your birds!

alohachickens, here are some of the grey legged hens. I have 12 total but these are the prettiest of the group.

#1 This is a medium sized hen and I think she's really pretty.

#2 This is a nice ginger girl, she's medium sized.

#3 This girl has a very few indistinct white spots

#4 This hen is thicker than the other grey leg girls. Just a little bit of white but it's nice and bright could color up really nice.

#5 I have about four other hens of similar coloring but they have less or no white and one has puff cheeks. I like this one and think she would be nice crossed with one of my Buff Rock roos to lighten her up?

I'll split the following roo pictures up by twos for those with dial up.
Oh goody!
a reason to buy more chickens!!

So, I need some sussex and New Hampshire hens, correct? Any idea who might have them? I'll have a look in buy-sell forum.
Here are the first two roos:

#1 Is the second largest cockerel with some faint spots and white legs.

#2 This guy has nice color with white legs and is one of the larger cockerels.

#3 This is the largest cockerel in the pen. He also is the most mellow and will let me or the kids just scoop him up. He has some faint spots.

#4 This is the same guy I shared a pic of earlier. Look at all the white spots coming in around his head. He's got it all, good size, spots and yellow legs!

#7 Another wild and crazy guy with puffier cheeks. These two guys aren't small either, they are broader shouldered than all but the largest cockerels.

#8 Another big red guy but with only a couple very faint white spots.

The following are the smallest cockerels but the coloring is fantastic! They are also the most feisty and one of them slashed #12s neck badly enough for him to bleed. Yikes!




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