The amazing Vetesyl hyrdrogel spray...


8 Years
Mar 20, 2011
North Central Florida
I wanted to share this so others would know...I might be the last one to find out and everyone already knew, but oh well...I'm going to share anyway.

About 3 weeks ago my German Shepherd puppy (80 lb puppy) was inadvertently let out unsupervised with my hens and decided to play tag with one of my RIRs. It didn't look good for my girl. He ended up putting 3 large holes in her skin and i could see her insides, it was very disturbing. He also pulled several feathers off in those areas. 2 holes on her neck and one on her side. I thought for sure she was a goner but I had to try and help her however I could.

I found the Vetesyl Hydro Gel spray at my feed store...$33 for an 8oz bottle and some of the people there questioned as to why in the world I would pay that much to help a chicken...they just didn't get it I guess. These are my layers, they feed my family, they are like pets to my children...

Anyway, I treated her for 3 days and she is now 100% healed up with what look like new feathers growing...does that happen? Do they grow new feathers? So if you ever have bad wounds, I'd highly recommend the vetesyl... it's good for all creatures and is safe in the eye area.
How wonderful! I am so glad that your hen is healing well. I am not familiar with that particular product, but can tell you that your hen has an amazing ability to heal herself if given some basic support - antibiotics, moisture, cleansing, etc. Make sure, before you buy it again, that the benefit was from a unique ingredient and not just from a combination of treatments that can be obtained through other, less expensive, substances. Again, I think that if it helped your hen
that's all that matters, but check out the ingredients and see if she did most of the work herself!
It must be like the product I am using for the horses. It is called Vetericyn. It healed an eye injury on my 27 year QH in 7 days. This was an injury I thought would for sure would scar and cause him vision problems, it didn't. He also did not mind me spraying it in his eye at all.
I will be trying it on the chickens next time theres a need for sure.
Sounds like about the same product based on the cost, worth every penny not to have to use something that works alot slower.
I am such a moron...yes, it is vetericyn. I know this is from forever ago but I was looking at my old posts since I haven't been on in a while and this just made me laugh...Vetericyn is it. I think my son was pretty new at this point and I must have been sleep deprived!

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