The Animals of our local Shelter

Ahhh that makes sense and awwww that's so sad

And I know you and it seems your whole shelter and most shelters try really hard and really care about the animals but I've heard a couple times like they say they'll get him but then they've already adopted him. Or maybe it wasn't reclaiming their dog, maybe it was adopting one and they gave it to someone else. If it's the second one the shelters really didn't do anything wrong cause it depends who got approved right? But some shelters don't even look for the owner or wait the time period and adopt it out or euthanize it
that's probably really full high kill ones though and gives good ones a bad rep.

But sorry, I'm not trying to make shelters sound bad and I actually love them and want to adopt animals eventually plus I know you guys wouldn't do that but it just made me think of that for some reason haha sorry.

Anyway, all the dogs are sooo cute!

Yeah, I've heard the stories too. Thankfully our shelter isn't a Kill Shelter, but doing the work I do I help cross-post for dogs from Kill Shelters and they really don't get more than a day or two past their hold date before they are set to be put down. It's really sad because so many of them obviously were raised well, so it's hard to imagine their owners just abandoning them like that. Some of our strays know sit, down, heel, and other commands but are never reclaimed.

Also that's mean the owners never come

Have you seen that video where the owners come to the shelter and the dog they dumped was sooo excited to see them and perked up but then they we were there to adopt another dog, not take her home? That was so sad

I saw an update video recently where she got adopted though and she has a doggy friend now and the couple seem really nice. Thank God cause those cruel jerks didn't deserve her anyway.
I did see that. That was so sad! Our shelter doesn't allow adoption to owners that we feel will abandon dogs. If a dog doesn't fit a family we may adopt out another dog to them if it is the right fit, but simply giving up a dog because you are tired of it and want a new one proves you're not going to be a very good family for the dog. We've had a number of people who return dogs for some pretty poor reasons, as mentioned, and it's just good to know they don't have to stay with a family that doesn't care. Some families who return dogs really do care and are looking for the best interest of the dog, and those times it's really hard because they try so hard to make things right for the dog and it just doesn't work. That's why adoptions based on breed or age (puppies often are expected to be easier to train then adults, not always true) and not individual personality can lead to so much trouble.
Flicker and Bishop were both adopted today! I know that Shadow will miss his buddy, but hopefully being a lab will get him adopted quickly as well so he doesn't have to miss Bishop for long. I let them play together today anyways, so that was nice they got that chance.


Flicker and Bishop were both adopted today! I know that Shadow will miss his buddy, but hopefully being a lab will get him adopted quickly as well so he doesn't have to miss Bishop for long. I let them play together today anyways, so that was nice they got that chance. Bishop Flicker
Aww too bad they couldn't have been adopted together but hopefully Shadow gets adopted soon!!
Bastian is a senior chihuahua who just went up for adoption. He came in neutered but needed his teeth cleaned. He is doing well, though I think he could stand to loose some weight. : )


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