The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

Also alittle update on my Pumpkin chick. He seems to be starting to replace the lighter feathers on his breasts with darker, Brownish Red feathers.

Would this mean he's Pumpkin, or Pumpkin with Incomplete Columbian?

I can get pictures on a better day. Today is gonna be nasty.
Updated pictures of my Pumpkin boy. Had to take him inside, cuz one of our outdoor kittens wouldn't stop trying to play with him. Lighting isn't the best in the basement.

Natural light for the new breast feathers.
Hypothetically, if there were a discovery of a pied gene in chickens, how would you expect it to be: Dominant, Recessive, Semi - Dominant, or Delayed, & Dominant?

We don't know how a true pied gene would manifest on a chicken, there are many mutations that many animals share in common, but their way of expression is always different.

Would this mean he's Pumpkin, or Pumpkin with Incomplete Columbian?

When young he was just Pumpkin colored but with a 90% chance of being only Columbian based on Wheaten. As adult he will probably look like a New Hampshire Rooster.
Based on Shank Coloring I would say that the father is Penedesenca, Swedish Flower have yellow shanks and those are dominant over dark shanks.
thanks for replying; I have two SFH roos, one has yellow shanks but his dad has white ones. Does that make a difference?
We don't know how a true pied gene would manifest on a chicken, there are many mutations that many animals share in common, but their way of expression is always different.
That's why I said Hypothetically.

When young he was just Pumpkin colored but with a 90% chance of being only Columbian based on Wheaten. As adult he will probably look like a New Hampshire Rooster.
I'll keep updating.
Looks like my girl Pea is carrying the same mutation as my Chameleon hen. She had different parents though.
Her down used to be grey/silver. She's 1yr old this year.
Starting to confirm a link with barring.

Parents were Goober(Project Wheaten Crele Orpington), & a Buff Orpington hen.

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