The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

How long would it take to breed back to a single comb from rose comb?
Fastest case: one generation, if the rose comb bird is already carrying the gene for not-rose comb. Cross the rose (carrying single) comb bird to a single comb bird, you should get 50% chicks with single comb and 50% with rose comb (carrying single).

Slower case: two generations, if the original bird was pure for the rose comb gene. Cross the rose comb to a single, get chicks that show rose and carry single. Cross those chicks back to single, get 50% single comb and 50% rose carrying single. Or breed the crossed chicks to each other to get 25% single comb, 75% rose comb (some of the rose combs will be carrying the not-rose gene, while others will be pure for the rose comb gene, but they look alike so you can't tell which ones are which without test-mating them.)

But if you are selecting for other traits too, you might need to hatch large numbers of chicks or work for more years to get ones with the correct comb and the correct other traits.
But if you are selecting for other traits too, you might need to hatch large numbers of chicks or work for more years to get ones with the correct comb and the correct other traits.
I would be, so it seems if I have to do it it'll just take some extra time.
Thank you for your help!
Also why does google give me ear lobe color determines egg color blogs >.< when I search for chickens with blue ear lobes?
I guess it's misunderstanding what you want, but it's pretty frustrating when that happens! It would be more helpful if it gave pages about Silkies (which are known for having blue earlobes).

I think the blue lobes are caused by dark skin in a chicken that would otherwise have white earlobes (so if someone got a fibromelanistic Leghorn, it should have blue earlobes too.)

It's an old wives tale
Some old wives tales are completely wrong, but I'd say this one is based on an incomplete understanding of chicken breeds & traits. (Chickens with certain earlobe colors, body shapes, and sizes usually do belong to breeds that lay egg color ___. But that's because of what traits the breed is selected to have, not anything about how the genes themselves work.)

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