The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

I bought some Red Shoulder Yokohamas from McMurray a few years ago, and I didn't have any trouble raising them all the way to maturity (sample size: 6 one year, I think 3 or 4 in a later batch.)

What sources did you try? If you also got them from McMurray, then maybe they are sensitive to something in your environment or climate that wasn't in mine? (I was in northern Virginia at the time, and was raising them in the summer.)
I've tried McMurray, IDEAL, and I believe Cackle (might have been stromburgs that time though).

It's likely that they just aren't suited for the cold here, even when mostly getting their feathers in. Mine came in late march-late April, which is still part of our cold season.
If a chick is heterozygous for mottling, is it possible to appear as a mottled chick in terms of down? I have 3 Java mixes, and I know that none can be homozygous for mottling, but one looks just like the mottled mother did as a chick while the other two look like normal black tuxedo chicks
Many times they do
Hi! I am trying to figure out what my chicks from my Black mottled japanese bantam rooster crossed with both my Blue silkie and my blue OEGB would look like. They are hatching right now and I see some white and black onthe first chick. Also the silkiehen has a mild crossed beak and I was a little dumb and forgot not to hatch eggs from her and I think the chick coming out has one :hitbut what are the chances that the other one will too if it hatches?
Hi! I am trying to figure out what my chicks from my Black mottled japanese bantam rooster crossed with both my Blue silkie and my blue OEGB would look like. They are hatching right now and I see some white and black onthe first chick. Also the silkiehen has a mild crossed beak and I was a little dumb and forgot not to hatch eggs from her and I think the chick coming out has one :hitbut what are the chances that the other one will too if it hatches?
Cross beak, isn't really anything I have much experience with, but not all the causes are genetic related. There's injury, & incubator mishap that can cause it. For chances of it happening again, I'm not sure.

Black X Blue = 50% Blacks, & 50% Blues.

The chicks will also be Split for mottling, which won't show in the first generation.
Cross beak, isn't really anything I have much experience with, but not all the causes are genetic related. There's injury, & incubator mishap that can cause it. For chances of it happening again, I'm not sure.

Black X Blue = 50% Blacks, & 50% Blues.

The chicks will also be Split for mottling, which won't show in the first generation.
Oh! So cool! Sooo, the first one is out and she looks mottled. I know you said she could not be but she looks like she is. And yes, I know I am not supposed to help but she had been trying for over 24 hous and made barely any progress. It is my first hatch so another one is shrink wrapped and the membranes are just to tough. It is making me wonder if I should check the other ones!

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