The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread


A question for Nicalandia.

FBCM(m) x FBCM(f) -> in 25 eggs , two chicks are completely white (yellow fluff when chicks), feathered white shanks
- its posssible for them to be something other than white Marans? (recessive white?)

FBCM (m) x FBCM (f) (different strain for the above)-> in 15 eggs, one chick with partridge like fluff ( dark stripe from head to tail with lateral white stripes in the back)
- possibly golden salmon?

Thank you, I love this thread....
What breeds of chickens have the longer tails that aren’t the phoenixes? I love the long tail on my EE and was wondering what her parents might have been. Maybe EE x ? She also has long thin green legs. Also what would I call her patterns? She’s also starting to get a few small mahogany colored feathers on her head








What breeds of chickens have the longer tails that aren’t the phoenixes? I love the long tail on my EE and was wondering what her parents might have been. Maybe EE x ? She also has long thin green legs. Also what would I call her patterns? She’s also starting to get a few small mahogany colored feathers on her head
Wow, she looks a ton like some of the phoenixes that I used to hatch out colorwise, and her tail is exactly the same shape as some of my better females.

Sumatra and Yokohama also have longer tails. My isabel leghorn hens had decent tails too.

A question for Nicalandia.

FBCM(m) x FBCM(f) -> in 25 eggs , two chicks are completely white (yellow fluff when chicks), feathered white shanks
- its posssible for them to be something other than white Marans? (recessive white?)
Its likely Wheaten. Wheaten has been hiding on BCM lines for generations. ER/eWh can look identical to ER/ER and hide on lines until two ER/eWh come together
What breeds of chickens have the longer tails that aren’t the phoenixes? I love the long tail on my EE and was wondering what her parents might have been. Maybe EE x ? She also has long thin green legs. Also what would I call her patterns? She’s also starting to get a few small mahogany colored feathers on her head

Leghorn hens can have long tails like that. Some Easter Eggers have long tails like that too. I think quite a few Easter Eggers have had Leghorns mixed in to help them lay better. So she probably does not have a Leghorn mother or father, but maybe some Leghorn great-grandparents or something like that.

A question for Nicalandia.

FBCM (m) x FBCM (f) (different strain for the above)-> in 15 eggs, one chick with partridge like fluff ( dark stripe from head to tail with lateral white stripes in the back)
- possibly golden salmon?

Thank you, I love this thread....
Pictures please. As far as I am aware there is no Partridge eb allele on Marans, just Extended black(BBS/Cuckoo), Birchen(Birchen and Black Copper) and Wheaten(Wheaten and Black Tail), so I find this very unusual

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