~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

"Not anymore." She pulled her arms back like wings. "Stand back. She then thrust her arms towards the main panel. Lightning struck out overloading the controls. The power went out but Shandrak put off enough light to see by. "The system should reset to default in about thirty minutes, I gave it just enough to overload the primary circuits." She grabbed Nakiso's arm. "We must go before they find us- I am a sitting duck in the darkness." She grabbed the amulet necklace to teleport.

Nakiso nodded, preparing to teleport.
Nakiso nodded, preparing to teleport.
(bobble head

There was the flash of light but something else jumped with them. They appeared aboard Nostros' ship. Shandrak fell to the floor clutching her gut in agony.

Then moments later the shuttle was full of Torik's crew. They were in shock for a moment as to what had happened. Before anyone could react Nostros had cued the jump to rendezvous with the Centaurian fleet. Which by now had several Gingercat ships in their shield nets making repairs before re-joining the fight. The battle was hovering just out of the planets wake compromising some of the colonies on the adjacent planets moons.
(bobble head

There was the flash of light but something else jumped with them. They appeared aboard Nostros' ship. Shandrak fell to the floor clutching her gut in agony.

Then moments later the shuttle was full of Torik's crew. They were in shock for a moment as to what had happened. Before anyone could react Nostros had cued the jump to rendezvous with the Centaurian fleet. Which by now had several Gingercat ships in their shield nets making repairs before re-joining the fight. The battle was hovering just out of the planets wake compromising some of the colonies on the adjacent planets moons.

"Shandrak! Are you alright?"
Soon, they entered a room; all that he could tell was that it was dark.

"Agh, at last he's arrived!" A voice said. It made Riku cringe. He wasn't sure why... it seemed so oddly familiar. It wasn't the "master", it wasn't anything recent... but it was deep in his memory; it was someone important.

"Here he is, as you requested." Civer said.

"Good, you can leave now." Civer nodded, walking out. A door could be heard sliding behind him.

"So, Riku," the voice said, "I hope you haven't forgotten me. I sure as heck haven't forgotten you."

Riku didn't respond, he was still trying to figure out who this voice was.

After a moment, the voice spoke again, "I'm sad that you've forgotten me, Riku. Do I just not matter to you anymore?"

Riku was getting annoyed, this person would not shut up. "I'm also wearing a blindfold, in case you haven't noticed." He snapped, trying to mask the uncertainty in his voice. He couldn't for the life of him figure out who this was... but it was so familiar.

"I can see that," the voice snapped back, but then it reverted back to its calm state, "you will now witness what you left behind all those years ago. This will now be my final revenge, the Drex gave me the strength to do that." The creature who was speaking grasped the knot on his blindfold. Its touch sent a small chill down his spine... it too was familiar, yet he couldn't put his finger on who it was. It jerked back, ripping the blindfold off. Riku's blood froze at who was in front of him.

It was a Lunar Cat. He knew very well who it was. Memories instantly flooded his mind. "No," he breathed, his eyes widening to the size of full moons.

"Hello, brother."


"Kludd!" Riku exclaimed, staring at his brother in awe. "How did you get here?!"

"The Master brought me here, obviously," Kludd snorted.

"Kludd we have to get out of here!" Riku looked around the room frantically.

"'Get out of here'?" Kludd echoed. "I don't think so, Riku."

"Kludd?" Riku looked at his brother with disbelief. "Y-you're not one of them too, are you?"

"I'm not 'one of them'," Kludd growled, "I'm a follower of the Master. I am here to give you a piece of advice, and if you don't accept it, I will get my revenge on you."

"What do you mean, Kludd," Riku asked, "Revenge? I never did anything to you!"

"Oh, just SHUT UP and listen to me!" Kludd yelled. Riku quieted down. "Thank you. Now, what I'm going to tell you is, the only smart choice you have right now would be to abandon your pathetic rebellion and walk alongside me down the path of Manex. He is the only way!"

"Who is 'Manex'?" Riku asked.

"You pathetic creature of the light," Kludd hissed, "Manex is the lord of darkness, the master of all, and the inevitable fate of the universe. You stand no chance against him. Every single flicker of light will be cast into the shadows, and Manex will triumph."

"Simmer down! I just wanted some information," Riku yelled. The two brothers stared each other down for a minute, before Kludd walked towards his brother at a faster-than desirable pace.

"What are you doing?" Riku asked, suspicious of his brother.

"Giving you a fair fight," he replied casually, releasing Riku from his cuffs.
Shandrak! Are you alright?
"Not yet..." She squeeked.

Nostros shoved a few Gingercats over without even touching them, then knelt by her side. "What is it?" He slid his hand under her arm. She gasped out in pain. He felt an object like a handle then pulled his hand back. It was covered in blood (colored a very pale yellow). "Is there a medic among you?" Nostros looked up at Nakiso. "Hello friend... did you see what happened?"

Amazingly the situation kept the Gigercats calm... for the most part.
(poor Riku. When I think of him I see a dark orange kitty cat... like puss in boots lol)
"Not yet..." She squeeked.

Nostros shoved a few Gingercats over without even touching them, then knelt by her side. "What is it?" He slid his hand under her arm. She gasped out in pain. He felt an object like a handle then pulled his hand back. It was covered in blood (colored a very pale yellow). "Is there a medic among you?" Nostros looked up at Nakiso. "Hello friend... did you see what happened?"

Amazingly the situation kept the Gigercats calm... for the most part.

Gaia walked over, "use my invigorator."

Nakiso shook his head, "no, her teleport must have been interrupted."

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