~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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Quote: (here Blue)
(PART 1)
Callabine mumbled something incomprehensible as she flew the ship through the asteroids. Duran pulled a plasti-bond patch from a compartment. He opened the panel and pushed the rock back out through the hole in the hull, then pressed the patch on the hole.
The two remaining ships changed tactics. They stopped at the edge of the asteroid belt and fired two heat-seeking missiles at Callabine's ship. The tracking system in one of the missiles glitched, causing it to spin around as soon as its rockets engaged and fly into one of the enemy ships. The other missile flew after Callabine's ship.
Ykran stabilized himself near he cockpit. He couldn't remember things but still had knowledge in there some how. "Blow up some bigger asteroids behind you quickly."

A large warship had been dispatched after them it was five minutes out.
He winked at Kassidy.
Prim nodded. Kassidy just looked at him with her deep brown/green eyes. Then she looked away.
(Chic and Heny. :)
The stallion kept his gaze on her a while then went to reading his comm. every once in a while looking up at her.
Rose tried for a few moments, but bursted out laughing.


:)P )

"First, Iilykran wanted to converse me about something." Daisy clarified, still stalking Maurice.


Lanayru rested her palm on Ellamoira's, "Is there anyone I know, other then you alive?"
Corsocka smiled a full grin. "Got you."


"Ah well right this way." Gretta showed her to the study door.


"No.... not since then. Ises has the same body... but she left." Ellamoira cringed. "I just found out that my hsband has human blood in him... so I by default am suffering the consequences. I am bound to this body forever to this soul. I have become one with her. So when I die.. I will not be coming back in another."


A science Vessle was checking out a tiny nebula they discovered in the Quadrantacle.
"I can't be too serious." Rose sighed, letting loose of him. "I'm too bubbly."


Daisy trailed along, "Is he too busy?" She questioned, growing quite nervous.


Lanyru stroked her hand gently, and soothingly, "I'll try to prevent your death." She confirmed.


Sakena was observing them from a fair distance.
"So does that mean you are bubbly like Jam? I loved it when mother made jam and let me lick the spoon." he smirked.


"No... he will take the time."

Illykran was wrestling with the foals when she come in. "There you are Daisy.. come." He told the foals to wait a bit then got off the floor.


"Oh.. that is sweet. Sasha is looking for a way to help... but even after I am better one day death will come for me." She sighed. "I am having a baby though." She smiled. "Which is why I am so weak. I haven't do both my work and carry the child."


They got in their suits and went to take gas samples from it.
[CONTENTEMBED=/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-new-rp-need-players/64220#post_12447808 layout=inline]​[/CONTENTEMBED]

Callabine frowned, then jerked the ship up to avoid a missile. Duran lurched to the copilot's chair and started returning fire.

"There is an asteroid belt nearby."

Callabine managed to simultaneously nod and avoid the hail of plasma bullets flying at her ship. She started flying in a zig-zagging motion, trying to get to the asteroid belt.

(missed this sorry :(   )

Once the reached it only 2 ships pursued them. 

Ykran winced as sparks from from a panel near him. He then opened it and checked it out.  "You got a rock in your compartment.. small hole through the hull."  The shielding keeping the air in. He then sealed the panel.

(here Blue)

(PART 1)

Callabine mumbled something incomprehensible as she flew the ship through the asteroids. Duran pulled a plasti-bond patch from a compartment. He opened the panel and pushed the rock back out through the hole in the hull, then pressed the patch on the hole.

The two remaining ships changed tactics. They stopped at the edge of the asteroid belt and fired two heat-seeking missiles at Callabine's ship. The tracking system in one of the missiles glitched, causing it to spin around as soon as its rockets engaged and fly into one of the enemy ships. The other missile flew after Callabine's ship.

Ykran stabilized himself near he cockpit.   He couldn't remember things but still had knowledge in there some how. "Blow up some bigger asteroids behind you quickly."  

A large warship had been dispatched after them it was five minutes out.
(PART 2)
Callabine flew in a spiral, the speed of the ship sending asteroids spinning into the path of the other rocket. It crashed int an asteroid, sending rock shards flying through space in all directions. One of the shards pierced the engines of the remaining ship, creating a massive explosion that shattered many nearby asteroids. The shards of metal and rock flew towards Callabine's ship.

My phone's about to die, I'll be back later.
Anna gummed her knuckles, and looked at Brenk with bright eyes. Kaliska picked up Ronin and set him in a comfy play chair since he had woken up.

"How nice, thank you. I looked forward to it." Angela smiled.
They visited for awhile, then Angela sighed. "I sure enjoyed having you two here.. but I'm sure you have many things to attend to. I look forward to the family dinner!" she smiled. Barrett got up. He had mostly stayed quiet while there.

"Oh don't worry about that." Hannah brushed him off and smiled.

(Haha! Sometimes those are the best!)

Jesslyn eyes sparkled. "That's nice to hear Thrain." she smiled sweetly.

It was later in the morning when Braxton and Lana got home. Jasmine was making lunch in the kitchen. "Hi!" she called, when she heard them come in.

"Oh great, when you hug me you think of pigs." Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. Lexus and Chester are going through some... trials at home. I've been helping as much as I can." she said, a look of worry in her green eyes for her friend.
"Yup. she is hungry mamma." He put her new onesie on.


"We do.. but I don't mind visiting." She held Barretts hand. "Honey would you like to stay longer or shall we do to the office?"

(it involved our favorite subject.... poop)

"Well.. I do." He smirked then dug in.


"It's nice to feel too." He admitted. "Can I see you tomorrow sometime?" Thrain asked.


"Hey. You are looking good." Lana had a slight limp , but there was a lot of improvement. She came up to Jasmine and gave her a hug. "Oh.." She whispered in her ear. "Your dad and I are going out to dinner tonight."


"NO you don't make me think of pigs.. You make me think love and of bacon.. and I love bacon too." He snickered. "Wait.. what happened to Lexi and them?" He furrowed his brow.
"Course she is." Kaliska sighed, fitting the new clean white sheets on the tiny crib.

"We should probably go to the office." Barrett shrugged. "We'll come by again soon momma." he said with a smile.
(Oh dear. XD)

"Why worry?" Hannah asked, taking another bite.

"Well I'm volunteering at the foster home tomorrow.. but I'm free all morning." Jesslyn answered and smiled. Inside she was screaming with excitement.


Jasmine listened, and grabbed Lana's shoulders gently, but excitedly. "Seriously?!" she whispered, as Braxton had gone in the other room. "Who asked?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.

Jasmine blushed. "Some incident with a stallion. He um, violated her and really treated her wrong." her eyes darkened.
Brenk picked her back up and snuggled with her.

(Saw my GF that has a little baby for Christmas. I was in heaven holding her *sigh*)


"We will." Myrna nodded. "Thank you Angela." She stepped out with Barrett.


He hesistated the bite in front of his mouth. "I told you I care." He then put it into his mouth.


"Okay... how about a walk?" He smiled. (lol I would be too XD)


"He did.... and yes seriously." Lana smiled. "Are you okay with us being together?" She could tell it was but wanted full verification.


Ferris scowled. "Who!? Did that rat pay for it?" He clenched his fist.
Kaliska turned and smiled. "Daddy's girl." she chuckled.


Barrett hugged him mom. Well, more like Angela hugged Barrett. He panted afterwards and waved.

"So... that's my mom." Barrett said once they were down the road a bit.

"Why?" Hannah asked, drinking some lemonade.
(Me too! XD)

Jesslyn nodded. "That sounds fun." she smiled.

"Of course I am!" Jasmine assured her, grinning excitedly.

"I don't know his name. But I hear he has paid for it." Jasmine told him, putting a hand on his fist.
( I know :p)

"Oh you know it." He kissed her.


"She seems fine to me... but why don't you two talk?" Myrna asked.


"Because I do.. I am not heartless... not on my on will." He sighed.



"Pick you up at 9?" Thrain asked. Their dessert was served.


"Good.. because I love him." Lana smile with starry eyes. "He is sweet and attentive.. and I feel protected when he is near." (that is something about mares. They like to feel protected)


"Good. I hate that stuff... Poor Lexi..." He released his fist.
Kaliska chuckled.

Barrett absently ran a hand through his curls, making them go wild. "Ah, I don't know." he shrugged. "Ahm, my mom.. you know.... she's got quite the opposite personality than me, and well, whatever. My dad didn't want to socialize with me when I wanted to marry.. earlier."

Hannah gazed at him, as if trying to figure him out. Then she resumed eating without a word.

"Sounds good." Jesslyn nodded happily. She looked down at her pie and grinned.
(Yup. :)

Jasmine hugged her. "I'm so glad.."

"I know."
He handed her to Kaliska. "Can't help with the feeding department."


"That is odd. I noticed she didn't really let you speak either... is that the problem?" Myrna looked up at his face.


"Would you like to take pictures while you are here?" he asked.

Thrain quickly stole a bite from it with his fork and chuckled. "Oops."


Lana smiled. "Me too." She barely let out an excited squeal.


Th doctor came in. "Sorry to interupt but it is time to do the surgery.. your leg is ready." He smiled.
"No you can't.... but you can help with the changing department." Kaliska gestured to Ronin, and smirked.

"No... that's just my mama. She wanted to meet and talk with so bad, she probably just forgot about me." Barrett chuckled.

"Pictures?" Hannah asked, mid-bite.

"Hey!" Jesslyn laughed, and took a bite from his cake. "Ha." she smirked.

"Do you know where you two are going?" Jasmine asked. She could hear Braxton coming down the hall.

Jasmine kissed Ferris' cheek, and smiled.
*shoulders slump* "Well he is sleeping through it. *sheepish grin*


"Well I will never forget about you." Myrna kissed his cheek.


"You once told me that you liked to do photography." He clarified.


Thrain chuckled savoring the bite of stolen pie and pulling his plat farther away.


"No.. I will find out later." She kissed her cheek then stepped back also hearing Braxton.


Ferris sighed and smiled. "I will see you later Jaz."
Rose tried for a few moments, but bursted out laughing.


:)P )

"First, Iilykran wanted to converse me about something." Daisy clarified, still stalking Maurice.


Lanayru rested her palm on Ellamoira's, "Is there anyone I know, other then you alive?"
Corsocka smiled a full grin. "Got you."


"Ah well right this way." Gretta showed her to the study door.


"No.... not since then. Ises has the same body... but she left." Ellamoira cringed. "I just found out that my hsband has human blood in him... so I by default am suffering the consequences. I am bound to this body forever to this soul. I have become one with her. So when I die.. I will not be coming back in another."


A science Vessle was checking out a tiny nebula they discovered in the Quadrantacle.
"I can't be too serious." Rose sighed, letting loose of him. "I'm too bubbly."


Daisy trailed along, "Is he too busy?" She questioned, growing quite nervous.


Lanyru stroked her hand gently, and soothingly, "I'll try to prevent your death." She confirmed.


Sakena was observing them from a fair distance.
"So does that mean you are bubbly like Jam? I loved it when mother made jam and let me lick the spoon." he smirked.


"No... he will take the time."

Illykran was wrestling with the foals when she come in. "There you are Daisy.. come." He told the foals to wait a bit then got off the floor.


"Oh.. that is sweet. Sasha is looking for a way to help... but even after I am better one day death will come for me." She sighed. "I am having a baby though." She smiled. "Which is why I am so weak. I haven't do both my work and carry the child."


They got in their suits and went to take gas samples from it.
Rose poked him in the chest, agitated. "you butt." She grumbled, stroking his chest now. "hmm perhaps I could make some jam and make you lick the spoon?"


Daisy dipped her head while seeping through the door. She fixed her focus on him and walked up to him, "You wanted to coverse with me?"


"Death?" Lanayru blinked, approaching closer. "As in you're mortal? Aww how adorable." She smiled at the change of news. "I wonder if they're is a way to strengthen you again, and if their is I'm willing to help."


Senkena stalked closer and observed at their actions.
Quote: (here Blue)
(PART 1)

Callabine mumbled something incomprehensible as she flew the ship through the asteroids. Duran pulled a plasti-bond patch from a compartment. He opened the panel and pushed the rock back out through the hole in the hull, then pressed the patch on the hole.

The two remaining ships changed tactics. They stopped at the edge of the asteroid belt and fired two heat-seeking missiles at Callabine's ship. The tracking system in one of the missiles glitched, causing it to spin around as soon as its rockets engaged and fly into one of the enemy ships. The other missile flew after Callabine's ship. Ykran stabilized himself near he cockpit. He couldn't remember things but still had knowledge in there some how. "Blow up some bigger asteroids behind you quickly."

A large warship had been dispatched after them it was five minutes out. (PART 2)
Callabine flew in a spiral, the speed of the ship sending asteroids spinning into the path of the other rocket. It crashed int an asteroid, sending rock shards flying through space in all directions. One of the shards pierced the engines of the remaining ship, creating a massive explosion that shattered many nearby asteroids. The shards of metal and rock flew towards Callabine's ship.

My phone's about to die, I'll be back later.

"Nice moves." Ykran complimented.
Quote: (sure

Shera poked her head out at the snow. "Looks like it finally stopped."


"Young, attractive, huge." She shrugged. "Don't know him." She sighed. "You know me.. on troubled days it piles up." She sighed putting the rags in the sink. "Can you make me a new shoe?" Kitten eyes.


He flicked his eat and then rubbed that.


"Morning." He smirked.


Seraleena flew down to Talon. "Did I scare you?" She crawled over in an I'm sorry body language.
"About time... How deep is it?"


"I was worried you would ask...."


It them bothered one of the kittens and he put a paw on top of it, keeping the root down.


"Mmmh...g'morning." He nodded grumpily and stretched.


He immediately regained his serious catlike composure. "uh, oh, no, I just didn't know which way it was headed. "Looks about knee height." She tested it. The Shera came back in and dusted her leg off.


"Well... you afe the man to do it." She tracked over to him and kissed his cheek, hanging on his shoulder as she stroked Zacks soft head.


The rabit sighed then buried its nose into a kittens side.


"Napping?" Jug asked.


"I see." She rubbed alongside him. "It sure ran fast." She giggled. "Okay, then it's not too bad..."


He chuckled. "Fine, I'll make one....Just one thing, when will that roast be done?"



A few hours later one of the kittens squirmed out of the pile and stretched, then scratching some loose dirt from her pelt.


"Not anymore. What time is it?"


"Yes. They love to run." He smiled. "Well my leg are gonna hate it." She shuddered closing the flap securely. "I better bundle up to go get more food. At least they ration more than a day at a time."


Hellaina giggled and gave him a playful slap of the arm. "A few hours bub... granted there are not any more disasters."


The dirt fell on rabits nose and her sneezed.


"Late morningish...." Jug gave him a stare o.o


"Are there any more things to scare?" She sheepishly grinned. "Mhm..." He got dressed for the colder weather too, in order to see what sort of hunting system they had here.


"Loosing a shoe isn't a disaster, but okay... Keep those cats away from the stove."


The kitten sneaked to the entrance to check the area.


Fuzz randomly sneezed and pawed at his whisker before looking back into Jug's staring. "Something wrong?"


"Er....No." *blink* "Think you will find anything today?" Shera asked. Packing him some bread and cheese, along with salted pork strips and an apple.


-_- "I wasn't referring to just that!" She rolled her eyes.


The birds were making a medley of songs above.


"Nope. in fact it couldn't be better... I got me a beautiful she cat to keep forever." He sighed.


"Oh." She blew through her lips. "Well it was fun while it lasted." She snickered. "Like my scream?" "Maybe... I can't be sure in this climate or area."


"Oh.... well, did you ever find the log you threw, then?" *totally clueless look*


The kitten took that as a sign that it was safe and popped back down to start her morning grooming.




"Yes... It was... Loud."
"Well you can always chase me around if you get desperate." Shera giggled.


"Oh Festus.. of course not... feel free to go do it yourself." She flung a frustrated hand. Then after a moment she laughed. "You can be such a dork." She shook her head.


The rabit sneezed again then stretched and yawned.


"Thanks." He smiled. "Next I hope is kittens." He took a very long sigh.


She giggled. "That was the point.. I don't think it will come back for a long time." She rolled on her back laughing. He chuckled, continuing to put on his gear. "Okay."


He didn't seem to find this funny. "Hm... Perhaps.... I'll go make you a new shoe." He handed Zack back to her.




"They'll come..." He smiled.


"No... I don't think it will either."
Shera got her gear on and grabbed the baskets. She suddenly turned pale......... she bolted outside leaving breakfast recycled in the snow. (need more brain bleach?)


She took him. "Did I get the log back." She sighed repeating him. "Please dearest." She kissed Festus on he cheek.


:hmm "Having trouble?" Rabit asked.


"Yeah I know." He put a paw on his face.


Serallena giggled a bit more. "Well what is on the menu today?" (No. But you've got a dirty mind.)


He headed back outside. Looking around for the tigers.


"No." *repeats aforementioned motions on another spot*


"You seem very...unsure of something."


"Well, I was thinking of getting something at the dining hall instead of hunting something down here."
Dirty? You mean gross

Shera came back in. "That was unpleasant." She went to brush her teeth.


They were up on a fallen log across the main path. Stalking something or someone.


"Ar you counting your hairs?" *blink*''


"No no no... Just in disbelief.. shy I guess. Ye proud." He sighed. "In love.. and she is half my age." He pounced around. "Score!"



"Oh.. can I come?" She purred. He left her to do that and headed out.


Festus called for them to come back.


*blink* "No. Just cleaning my fur."



"Yes, it is." Fuzz chuckled. "Have you eaten yet?"


"Yes." Talon got up and started for the base. Once AUran went out there were a handful of other stallions out. Some guarding, others going about working on the hydroponics systems. There were several greenhouses that they were using and expanding, even in he winter. Down the way an actual village was being build in a type of commune setting.


one looked back at him then continued their stalking. Someone shouted out once they heard Festus voice. If he focused his vision he could see the top of a stallions head holding a bow. Most likely aimed at the cats.


"Quite a process." He snorted.


"Yes.. but y appetite is heavy right now. I could use top off." He smirked.


Seraleena followed. "May I ride on your back?" He went to see where the hunting territories were and their system.


Festus ran for the cats.


"Yes... Yes it is." She moved on to her tail, smoothing it down and ending it in the pointiest of furtips.

Slowly the rest of the cats woke up and started doing the same.


"Okay" Fuzz chuckled and headed for the dining hall.


"Eeerm. Idunno. Never been ridden before." 0.0 ...... One showed him a map of trails and regulations. The planet was hog and bear heavy. "You mainly protect the farms from destruction There are a few sabercats, but they often are higher in the mountains. The wooly mountain goats are huge, but we often have so many hogs we never get to hunting them. Some people are making settlements int he woods, so be careful where you shoot.


They saw him coming and tucked tail backing away.


The rabit felt like he was watching a licking fest and went to find water.


Jug trailed along. "How is you brood doing?"


"Oh.. well you might like it. I can pitty-paw your back." She rubbed against him. "If not that's fine." "I will. Thank you." He looked over the map carefully.


He went to see what they had cornered.


They eventually finished and went to join him.


"They're doing well.... I probably spent way too much time awake with them last night." He yawned.


"Okay. We could try it.... Hop on." The stallion nodded and walked away. There was a large block in the foothills with no paths. And a few small trails to the north side of the valley.


The stallion saw Festus and still had his bow drawn. He lowered it. "Thanks... I think." he was unfamiliar having never been in the area before. "You the Blacksmith?"


Rabit had finished drinking by the time they arrived and was munching on a fresh salad.


"Well family time is always nice."


Seraleena did and was fairly light and warm. She lay atop him. "Oh you are cozy." She sighed. Then she sat up ans started massaging his back with her fingers. "Hows that?" He decided to go down one of the smaller trails.


"Yes, I am. Who are you?"


They sat in a row and and all started lapping up the water at the same time.


"Yes... It is." Fuzz sniffed the air as they approached the hall.


His muscles started twitching at the unfamiliar sensation of the massage and he started laughing, pawing at the ground, unable to roll over on the ground with her on his back. "No.Stop.Don't.
Once into the forests the snow was no as thick, but had heavy drifts in places. The trails coming and going.


"Name's Lee. Moved here a month ago. I was out trapping and my best trap broke. Wanted to know if you could fix it. but your mare. I dunno what I did she threw a log at me. so I decided to wait a while before trying to come back again. Then the next thing I know I got pounced on then stalked by them big cats of yours." he had a claw swipe on his haunch.


Rabbit washed his face and watched the, then he smiled.


"What ya gonna get?"


Seraleena slid off giggling. "Did that tickle?"
Rose tried for a few moments, but bursted out laughing.


:)P )

"First, Iilykran wanted to converse me about something." Daisy clarified, still stalking Maurice.


Lanayru rested her palm on Ellamoira's, "Is there anyone I know, other then you alive?"
Corsocka smiled a full grin. "Got you."


"Ah well right this way." Gretta showed her to the study door.


"No.... not since then. Ises has the same body... but she left." Ellamoira cringed. "I just found out that my hsband has human blood in him... so I by default am suffering the consequences. I am bound to this body forever to this soul. I have become one with her. So when I die.. I will not be coming back in another."


A science Vessle was checking out a tiny nebula they discovered in the Quadrantacle.
"I can't be too serious." Rose sighed, letting loose of him. "I'm too bubbly."


Daisy trailed along, "Is he too busy?" She questioned, growing quite nervous.


Lanyru stroked her hand gently, and soothingly, "I'll try to prevent your death." She confirmed.


Sakena was observing them from a fair distance.
"So does that mean you are bubbly like Jam? I loved it when mother made jam and let me lick the spoon." he smirked.


"No... he will take the time."

Illykran was wrestling with the foals when she come in. "There you are Daisy.. come." He told the foals to wait a bit then got off the floor.


"Oh.. that is sweet. Sasha is looking for a way to help... but even after I am better one day death will come for me." She sighed. "I am having a baby though." She smiled. "Which is why I am so weak. I haven't do both my work and carry the child."


They got in their suits and went to take gas samples from it.
Rose poked him in the chest, agitated. "you butt." She grumbled, stroking his chest now. "hmm perhaps I could make some jam and make you lick the spoon?"


Daisy dipped her head while seeping through the door. She fixed her focus on him and walked up to him, "You wanted to coverse with me?"


"Death?" Lanayru blinked, approaching closer. "As in you're mortal? Aww how adorable." She smiled at the change of news. "I wonder if they're is a way to strengthen you again, and if their is I'm willing to help."


Senkena stalked closer and observed at their actions.
"I am not." He snorted. "And if you did i would not complain... as long as it tastes good." He smirked stepping out of firing range.


"Yes..." He pulled her aside. "We found Rose..."


"I am bound to this bodies life span yes. Terrellian's are immortal, but can be killed. And when this body leaves this existence I go to the afterlife with it.. to be honest I am okay with it. I will get to remain with my husband in an afterlife." Ella smiled. "I can also pass through the realms again as well.


The finished their work and a female looked up seeing the phere. "Is that a star?" She furrowed her brows.
Rose tried for a few moments, but bursted out laughing.


:)P )

"First, Iilykran wanted to converse me about something." Daisy clarified, still stalking Maurice.


Lanayru rested her palm on Ellamoira's, "Is there anyone I know, other then you alive?"
Corsocka smiled a full grin. "Got you."


"Ah well right this way." Gretta showed her to the study door.


"No.... not since then. Ises has the same body... but she left." Ellamoira cringed. "I just found out that my hsband has human blood in him... so I by default am suffering the consequences. I am bound to this body forever to this soul. I have become one with her. So when I die.. I will not be coming back in another."


A science Vessle was checking out a tiny nebula they discovered in the Quadrantacle.
"I can't be too serious." Rose sighed, letting loose of him. "I'm too bubbly."


Daisy trailed along, "Is he too busy?" She questioned, growing quite nervous.


Lanyru stroked her hand gently, and soothingly, "I'll try to prevent your death." She confirmed.


Sakena was observing them from a fair distance.
"So does that mean you are bubbly like Jam? I loved it when mother made jam and let me lick the spoon." he smirked.


"No... he will take the time."

Illykran was wrestling with the foals when she come in. "There you are Daisy.. come." He told the foals to wait a bit then got off the floor.


"Oh.. that is sweet. Sasha is looking for a way to help... but even after I am better one day death will come for me." She sighed. "I am having a baby though." She smiled. "Which is why I am so weak. I haven't do both my work and carry the child."


They got in their suits and went to take gas samples from it.
Rose poked him in the chest, agitated. "you butt." She grumbled, stroking his chest now. "hmm perhaps I could make some jam and make you lick the spoon?"


Daisy dipped her head while seeping through the door. She fixed her focus on him and walked up to him, "You wanted to coverse with me?"


"Death?" Lanayru blinked, approaching closer. "As in you're mortal? Aww how adorable." She smiled at the change of news. "I wonder if they're is a way to strengthen you again, and if their is I'm willing to help."


Senkena stalked closer and observed at their actions.
"I am not." He snorted. "And if you did i would not complain... as long as it tastes good." He smirked stepping out of firing range.


"Yes..." He pulled her aside. "We found Rose..."


"I am bound to this bodies life span yes. Terrellian's are immortal, but can be killed. And when this body leaves this existence I go to the afterlife with it.. to be honest I am okay with it. I will get to remain with my husband in an afterlife." Ella smiled. "I can also pass through the realms again as well.


The finished their work and a female looked up seeing the phere. "Is that a star?" She furrowed her brows.
"hmm not anymore." Rose stuck out her tongue and lightly spit out. "Oh it will." She assured, leaning over to kiss him.


Daisy eyes perked, "Where?" she gasped in excitement. "is she fine?"


"Well I don't want the last person I know die." Lanayru glance down, gripping Ellamoira's hand tight. "This world appeared more different and complicated." she confessed, releasing her grip.


Sakena motivated closer and was miniature then the other normal spheres. She halted about a mile away.
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