~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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Quote: (no lol The Royals are the only ones that can do that)

"We have other things fro the deep.. a very sacred place... I can speak with the Mother.. but it takes a lot out of me.. We have ancient arts that have been lost."
(I just hit a chord!)

Shanna stood up and walked into the room.
He stared at her a while after closing the door. "What do you mean you have a Drex ancestor!? That is genetically impossible.. don't call it a marriage either.. It would have been a seduction slash evil experiment.... Did you even grow up on Terrellia?" (She blooming hit a huge nerve)
Don't judge by the cover, not all drex are evil. It is geneticly possible, My mixed heritage gave me the orange patterns, nobody can change that, I am happy I have mixed heritage, it proves the universe has not lost all hope, the last few generations have also believed that." She said.
Valdan started walking. "This way.  She's locked up on the bunkers.  We moved a lot of the mare out of the cold.  Have been fixing it up."  He cleared his throat.  "Hellaina's father was Permethius I assume?"

-.^ "I don't know, she doesn't speak of him by name. You'll have to ask her."

"Huh.. I heard he had one that could not be found.. I have been studying about the old an based aganst the tales he told me.. Supposedly the guy went to war with my father, then my father capped him to get his arm band... found out he did not have it.. or at least that's what Cronus confirmed.  We have been trying to figure out what relics were of my fathers interest and why.  Anything with power to it he takes.  Light swords, flame blades, arm bands, medallions, relics of odd nature.. you name it.. and people with gifts."  He walked up to the bunker entrance and open the door.  Inside looked like they were turning it into a type of city.  But it was a mess.  He walked down a long corridor three levels down then stopped at a door.  "She's in here the filly is in that one."  He stepped back and waited.

He had always been partial to being outside, not roving underground like a deranged mole and didn't like this, cold or not. "Certainly looks like you've been fixing it up." He hesitated before entering Helaina's room.

Hellaina was shaking and wobbly from the drugs.  She looked up at him with wide eyes.  She stared a while then turned her head away saying nothing. 

He knelt down to her level. "I know you hate me.... But I just had to do this..."
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