the Blackest Ones: on exploring the significance of Cemani mutations

Her background hails from Marc King in Italy......he has access to Cemani and others........................................chrisf

He lives in Switzerland as does most of my family. Marc is a fascinating character. I'll assume she has Tomaru in her genetics as he's so involved with Japanese breeds. He's never told me about any Indonesian breeds.

I was sent this link by another subscriber because I had posted a picture of my black pullet on another thread. She was hatched from a collection of Barred rock(although the pullets have pea combs and the roo has single) and RIR eggs. I understand the folks I got the eggs from also had Black giants of some sort. This little lady is smaller than her hatch mates. She has clean black legs/feet, black flat peacomb, black face. I haven't looked closely at her skin for coloration. She is quiet and at the bottom of the pecking order which is only 3 members. She is not as outgoing as the others and usually stands back and waits her turn when treats are served. I have been very interested in her origins since she hatched. I can get better pictures of her skin and legs and posture. She is 11 weeks old.



she is looks just like a Normal melanized Pullet, just watch how her comb and face turns red just days before she begins to lay... its normal for Extended black birds to look like that...Sorry nothing special...
Nic may be right, however if you want to know for sure... pick her up and look at arm pit, underside of wing and at vent. Birds with black skin are obviously grey or darker in those areas too. If she has only the 'common' black face nic talked about, the skin on rest of her body would be normal (white/flesh or yellow).
I have no real opinion on where the Swedish black hens came from back in 1800. I just found some resources stating it was possibly Mozambique and those resources mention an even older Dutch text (which I wasn't able to hunt down and probably couldn't read/translate anyways) possibly mentioning them. Ships were going all over the world back then so it's totally possible. But at the same time it's totally possible that the old texts are confusing countries or the sailors telling the story where they got the odd chickens had too much rum :p and they are actually from the area where the Cemanis come from. Or it was a two step transport. Asia to Africa and then Africa to Europe. Dunno. It's just too many variables and possibilities for me to decide what I think of it, I'm indecisive that way lol.
I wouldn't mind sending you blood feathers, but unfortunately the postal services, customs and the laws would mind. It's illegal to post anything possibly pathogenic over the borders. Which includes not only birds or eggs, but also feathers from uncontrolled sources. I'm afraid you need to wait until somebody officially imports them or until somebody does genetic mapping of them in Sweden and shares the results.
They crow just like any typical rooster, but different/longer crowing doesn't seem to be very consistent even in the breeds which are supposed to do it... seems to be a trait which is lost easily?
Today is hatch day for some eggs and it's 7 eggs of the hen in my avatar with a dark barred rooster.
Needless to say that I'm excited to see what will hatch.
You might be able to mail a blood drop on "Guthrie cards" These are protein sparing cotton blotters that are treated to make the samples sterile. They are used in new born baby screening for inherited diseases and can be banked for years. You might be able to get some at your local hospital at cost. They go through the mail to many countries. I sent blood to the USA and to China on them. I can't say what the researcher was looking for till he publishes.

Gorilla chickens.

The closest thing I have to an all black chicken is a silkie, I named him(?) Kerchak. But I really like the java black chickens. I get this macabre artist type feel from them.

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