THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

Love my two Brinsea Eco 20's! Only one has a turner, and I do fine with manually turning the other. So easy. BUT, I wondered,if anyone happens to have a broken or reasonably-priced spare auto-turn cradle laying around that they'd like to part with, I'd like to buy it! Please PM me. I'm still kicking myself for not getting the scratch and dent one that Brinsea had on their website a while back. That's where I got a really good deal on one of my Eco 20's - the scratch and dent section. I couldn't even see why it was a scratch and dent. It was perfect... Thanks!
I'm at work and don't have time to read all pages... lol    I'm thinking about buying one of these, because I've been having terrible hatches with a Hova bator. . The consensus is, everyone LOVEs theirs, right?  Enable me!!

This was my first hatch and it was staggered as eggs arrived differently than expected (my mess up). I was searching for one to use as a hatcher and eventually just bought another without the turner. Pricey, but definite results. First lockdown was 15 eggs- bantam with detached air cells that sat for 24 hrs without improvement and set with blue and lavender orphingtons. 14 hatched, all vigorous. The D'uccle that didn't was the worst air cell and still was moving at lockdown.

Second step was 13 eggs, 2 were infertile and one I cracked early on (ugh). The last one is hatching as I type this, and day 21 ends at 7pm tonight! No weaklings, no defects seen (pointing out lack of temp spikes associated ie: curled feet).

And I have discovered I can fit more eggs if I don't use the bars :drool
- fit 31 now.
Ok enablers... Thanks! I.just bought one without the turner, the budget wouldn't allow both, I'll buy the turner later. I heard that you can sort of prop it up to turn rather than turn each egg individually. Is this true?
The great thing about BYC is, there's even a product review forum...

I found the comments/ feedback from BYC'ers very useful / informative.
Day 7 updates:

Well, all this worrying and anxiety has been answered with the candling of yesterday evening. With all this education and personal experience, I feel like I've grown an inch with the eggs. LOL.
Moving on... so yesterday evening, I candle all the eggs. They all look very good and it was great to see all the little blood vessels scatter all over the place. The creation of life is truly a miracle no matter what form or animal it is. (well, except ticks

Of the 24 eggs, only one look a little suspicious as if it isn't developing. I'm going to post 3 pictures below:

#1) below is the egg that looks like it's not developing and the air cell is not very visible like the rest. Thoughts on this egg?

#2) below is an egg that's developing very nicely, turned side-way; with air cell visible on the left side and in the middle is the developing chick.

#3) below is an egg that's really developing and you can visibly see, what looks like the head of the chick, which was moving during candling.

Can't wait to candle again on day 14th.

*psssst.. if you have a must want to know the brand of candler I'm using, I'd be happy to share as well.

Day 14 updates:
Day 14th was yesterday, I went to candle again and for the most part, 20 out of 24 were solid black, which means the growing chick is filling up that egg pretty solidly. *feeling ecstatic

However, the other 4 eggs were a little depressing and puzzling.
The #1 egg from above still looks the same, not much has develop since last candling. (pic below).

ou can sorta make a distinction of the air cell at the top but for the most part, the egg hasn't change much since the last candling. I'm going to call this one a dud. There were 2 other ones that candle like this, they were just very bright (clear) during candling. I'd like to take them out but also having some pro-life anxiety dilemma. :)

This one below, was really dramatic. I'm no egg expert so I'm open for comments/suggestions on what may have happen or expect to happen?

It doesn't look good imo.

The rest of the eggs, they're looking great! 4 days to lockdown !!

Happy Hatching!!!

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