THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

Has anyone double stack eggs in the Eco and hatched successfully? If you have, please share your experience. Thanks.
If you go back around post #360 or so I think you will find where some did this. I haven't and it seems that the eggs would be tossed around when the bator was turned back and forth. ??????
I had one chick hatch out yesterday after my last post. There were a couple of eggs with pips. I went to bed and woke up to a bator with five chicks. Yay! A few hours later we had two more hatch out. I had to take out the first five because they were harassing the last two. My son and I teamed up and with the bathroom very humid, took them out one by one leaving the last two in the bator to dry up. A couple of hours later we had a third hatch out. So far we have eight chicks out of eighteen eggs and there are two eggs with pips in them. I really do hope I get a good hatch rate. I know there were 15 alive at lockdown and would hate to think some died. We'll see what happens after I get home from work around 7:30pm.

I'd also like to share some pics:

These are of the bators full of eggs. I had 12 Cuckoo Maran eggs, 3 Ameraucanas, and 3 Easter Eggers. My Easter Eggers are from true Ameraucana parents, but different colorings mixed in the same pen for the winter. I was told because of the mixed coloring they will be considered Easter Eggers. Still so far the cutest chicks I have.

This is a pic of my first five:

And this is a pic of my favorite chick so far. I love the coloring on it. Praying this will be a hen:

Hey you, I'm really happy for what's going on. lol I bet you were trembling taking out the first ones. ha,ha. Will be waiting to hear the end turn out.
Congrats!!!!!! Mine go into lockdown on Sunday, these are all my chickens own eggs.

How exciting Kassaundra. Please keep us posted. We had to sell all of our chickens a while ago due to an emergency trip to Florida and not finding chicken sitters, so now we are starting from scratch. :(

Hey you, I'm really happy for what's going on. lol I bet you were trembling taking out the first ones. ha,ha. Will be waiting to hear the end turn out.

Thank you Jim. Yes, I was trembling and arguing back and forth with myself if I should even do it or not. lol I had to take out three more and was just as nervous. I now have eight in the brooder and three in the incubator. Hoping to wake up with more chicks tomorrow. If not, I will end up with 11 out of 15 eggs hatched. Really 11 out of 18 eggs, but 3 were not fertile so in essence, 11 out of 15 fertile eggs. :)
How exciting Kassaundra. Please keep us posted. We had to sell all of our chickens a while ago due to an emergency trip to Florida and not finding chicken sitters, so now we are starting from scratch. :(

Thank you Jim. Yes, I was trembling and arguing back and forth with myself if I should even do it or not. lol I had to take out three more and was just as nervous. I now have eight in the brooder and three in the incubator. Hoping to wake up with more chicks tomorrow. If not, I will end up with 11 out of 15 eggs hatched. Really 11 out of 18 eggs, but 3 were not fertile so in essence, 11 out of 15 fertile eggs. :)
That's right, you can't count the ones that aren't fertile. You may get a few more but even if you don't 11 from 15 is good hatch rate. The spirit of Mr. Chicken was with you. ha,ha. Now just don't forget, if you are planning on hatching more, order you a new ac plug for your hova bator. You better put a note somewhere. lol
Hi Kassaundra,
You go into lockdown today. How exciting! Did you get to candle your eggs before lockdown? How many eggs do you have going into lockdown? Are you using the Brinsea for lockdown?
Yes today is the big day. I have 28 eggs going into lockdown (blues and green EE females and poss EE, araucana, or NN males) and white eggs (houdan x NN females w/ same possible males) and browns (NN and NN mixed w/ topknots females and same possible males). I am not good a candling (at knowing what I am seeing) so I only candle at the halfway point to remove blood rings so no all eggs that make it past the first (and only) candling at day 10 or 11 go into lockdown. Yes the Brinsea is the only incubator that I have so I do not have an extra for lockdown/hatching. I will be ready w/ camera handy (I take and post lots and lots of pics) Brooder is toasty warm, food is fermenting away, just waiting on the grand arrival of the fuzzy butts. lol
Yes today is the big day. I have 28 eggs going into lockdown (blues and green EE females and poss EE, araucana, or NN males) and white eggs (houdan x NN females w/ same possible males) and browns (NN and NN mixed w/ topknots females and same possible males). I am not good a candling (at knowing what I am seeing) so I only candle at the halfway point to remove blood rings so no all eggs that make it past the first (and only) candling at day 10 or 11 go into lockdown. Yes the Brinsea is the only incubator that I have so I do not have an extra for lockdown/hatching. I will be ready w/ camera handy (I take and post lots and lots of pics) Brooder is toasty warm, food is fermenting away, just waiting on the grand arrival of the fuzzy butts. lol

Yay! Can't wait to see pics. I ended up with 12 or the 15 fertile eggs hatching. I still have the incubator on just in case, but it's so quiet in there that I don't think I will have anymore hatch.
Yay! Can't wait to see pics. I ended up with 12 or the 15 fertile eggs hatching. I still have the incubator on just in case, but it's so quiet in there that I don't think I will have anymore hatch.
Congrats on the 12 that is a great %. What breeds are they? Have you posted pics? Sometimes I get way behind and miss some posts.

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