THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

Quote: I have 3 Silver Ameraucanas, 1 who might be either an EE or Silver Ameraucana (not sure since it was a 50% chance 3 of my eggs, although still true Ameraucanas, might be mixed colorings i.e. BBS and Silver). Then I have 8 Cuckoo Marans. I have not posted pictures here yet. I will try to later.
Do you know where I could purchase a used brinsea incubator? I have heard that the brinsea incubators are the best to have. I have been using a little giant and I very seriously dislike it!!!
I love that I can share this experience with my children! Here are a couple of pics of my 25 month old following in her mommy's footsteps.

Checking to see if anything is hatching (even though she doesn't know it's not time yet!)...


And candling one of her play eggs...

omg that is the best picture she deffo has been watching mummy lol sooooo qute

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