THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

This thread is a little stale but hopefully an experienced user can help me out:

I received this incubator in the mail the same day as a shipment of eggs which are resting from their journey.

The bulb thermometer said 99 after letting it warm over night. I then put my wireless thermometer in and it was 103.2--yikes!. So I have loaded the interior with as many thermos as possible, temps taken first thing in the morning:
oral left in to get ambient temp= 102.5
oral inserted into mock egg (easter egg filled with K-Y):102.0
Temp probe through vent hole into same mock egg 102.9
Temp probe through vent hole in open chamber: 102.9
Wireless thermometer= 102.9

So it looks like the bulb thermometer attached to the unit is off. Or this unit is designed to run more like a still air with a higher egg temp.

Any thoughts?
I've used my Brinsea Eco 20 quite a bit, in fact I have eggs in there right now. My therm that is in the brinsea is reading 102 but I've always used a therm/humid thing from Walmart and it always reads 99 or 100. I went by that. Now, I figure if the one in the brinsea is reading 102, then it is what the other was when I used it and I don't even check it any more. lol I put the water in the first trough, fill it every third day and let it go. It's been doing just fine;. lol Go to my site and you can see how I set mine up on the incubation page.
My thermometer has always read right. But my chicks always hatch early, and I have a HORRIBLE problem w/ shrink wrap. I have to peel almost all my hatches out to get live chicks no matter how much water is in the brinsea.
My thermometer has always read right. But my chicks always hatch early, and I have a HORRIBLE problem w/ shrink wrap. I have to peel almost all my hatches out to get live chicks no matter how much water is in the brinsea.
Mine usually start to hatch on day 20 and usually finish up on day 21. I've not had the problem yet with the shrink wrap. It sounds like yours is a little to hot. I'd turn the little red thing on the brinsea back 1/4 turn and then see where the temps are. You have to make sure that the humidity is 70 or above for hatching. I used it a couple of weeks ago as my hatcher which I usually use one of my Genesis ones for hatchiing. I've read many times that early hatch means to high temp.
Hope this helps.
I fill it all the way w/ water at hatch. I will try turning it down during incubation for the next time, couldn't hurt that is for sure.
Thank you for this. This is what I was planning on doing--going by the thermos in the cabinet to calibrate the Brinsea one. It looks like for my unit, it will read about 95.5 when the egg temps are 99.5. Its very helpful to know someone else had found the Brinsea thermometer is off and adjusted accordingly.

So far the temps are fluctuating much less than the styro and homemade ones I have used before--which is a good thing.
I called Brinsea customer service (twice). As per her instructions I removed the bulb thermometer and heated it to make sure there were no bubbles in the column from shipping. I decided, while it was out, to calibrate it against some other thermometers.

I placed 2 oral digital thermometers with the Brinsea in a glass and placed very hot (108 degree F) water in. With all the tips close together, I took readings as the water cooled. The glass thermometer was off by an average of 5.4 degrees. The two oral thermometers were 0.3 to 0.2 degrees off from each other through the whole range. When the bulb thermometer reads 99, it really is 104.4-ish inside.

Turned it down a full half--turn on the red knob (=4 degrees) and it seems to be stable at about 100.0 degrees. Good enough. I'd be really upset if I cooked my expensive Cream Legbar eggs at 104 degrees! Goes to show you can't rely on anything without verification.

Brinsea said they would ship me out a new bulb thermometer on Tuesday since the one with the unit must have been damaged in transit. Great customer service.
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I called Brinsea customer service (twice). As per her instructions I removed the bulb thermometer and heated it to make sure there were no bubbles in the column from shipping. I decided, while it was out, to calibrate it against some other thermometers.

I placed 2 oral digital thermometers with the Brinsea in a glass and placed very hot (108 degree F) water in. With all the tips close together, I took readings as the water cooled. The glass thermometer was off by an average of 5.4 degrees. The two oral thermometers were 0.3 to 0.2 degrees off from each other through the whole range. When the bulb thermometer reads 99, it really is 104.4-ish inside.

Turned it down a full half--turn on the red knob (=4 degrees) and it seems to be stable at about 100.0 degrees. Good enough. I'd be really upset if I cooked my expensive Cream Legbar eggs at 104 degrees! Goes to show you can't rely on anything without verification.

Brinsea said they would ship me out a new bulb thermometer on Tuesday since the one with the unit must have been damaged in transit. Great customer service.
I agree with you with their customer service. My brinsea thermometer quit working last Feb. and they told me to send the top back and they fixed it no problems and sent it back really quick and it has been fine since. No charge at all. I've read some complaints but I think a lot of times it is the other person. Got to talk right to folks. lol
Wishing you the best of luck with everything.
I agree with you with their customer service.  My brinsea thermometer quit working last Feb. and they told me to send the top back and they fixed it no problems and sent it back really quick and it has been fine since. No charge at all. I've read some complaints but I think a lot of times it is the other person. Got to talk right to folks. lol 
Wishing you the best of luck with everything. 

My Brinsea got fried by a power surge. They repaired it under warrantee even though my friend originally bought it and I was not the original owner. I bought a surge protector to use in the future!

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