THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

Just tilt the whole thing, that is why it has that lovely shape! The cradle tilts it amazingly far, back and forth, I was watching it and thinking, "Dang, I could have just tilted it a few times a day back and forth like that myself and saved some money!"
Thank you! I was too paranoid about my eggs falling down before I dared to try it without asking a more experienced hatcher. lol.
Thank you! I was too paranoid about my eggs falling down before I dared to try it without asking a more experienced hatcher. lol.

As long as they are good and secure in their bars, they will be just fine. I watched mine terrified that first day, clutching my husbands arm because it was tilting SO MUCH. They were all fine, no one fell or cracked. Well, one cracked, but I dropped it candling, not my ECO's fault.
Yesterday was my lockdown day; I heard peeps in the eggs as I was filling the water troughs, today I've had five chicks out of seventeen hatch so far!!! If the rest aren't hatched by tomorrow afternoon, should I grab the fluffy chicks to put them in the brooder (the first hatched at 8 am today) and put a wet sponge in the incubator to keep the humidity up?

This was my first hatch ever, the Eco 20 was very easy to use! Love it!!
I grab them at 6 hour intervals if I have a lot, and just leave paper towels hanging out of the water canals to ensure the humidity climbs back up. Next time, I shall use felt, as was suggested in this thread. ^_^
Thanks, Impress! I'll grab them out in the morning, after I make sure the brooder is warm enough. I turned the heater & heat lamp on in the shed today, so it should be good.
Yay for hatching in ECO's! I love the little thing, I am going crazy waiting for the New Years Hatch, that is like, over a whole month before I get to start saving eggs to hatch. TORTURE!

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