THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

Your temps sounds fine now. You aren't cooking anything.

I almost adjusted the temp in my ECO20 at first but I'm glad I didn't. My glass always reads above 100 like 101-102 but down by the eggs it's cooler. My eggs hatched well so... I'm trying to worry less about the "perfect temp/humidity" I think I've figured out what works for my incubators. You will learn so much your first few hatches and figure out what works best in your home and for you. Everybody's incubator, eggs, climate is different.

Ditto on the frustration with thermometers. I have SEVERAL different styles, types, sizes... most of them are not the best. I favor this random digital "weather station" I bought for $8 at the hardware store. I live in a tiny town, pop. <2500 so my shopping options are not great. I calibrated it and the humidity was right on so I don't know...

Hang in there. My first incubation was SO hard for me, I was the biggest stress case but I learned a lot and it keeps getting easier as I figure out this magical thing called incubation. Trial and error... It really is a miracle. From egg to chick in 3 weeks!!! What!? I have 13 chicks from 2 hatches currently peeping around, making a mess and being adorable and wacky. All the stress and confusion is a distant memory.

Has anyone ever dissected their bator? I noticed while I was putting mine away that it was oozing colored fluid. I took it apart and found that water had made its way into the yellow section, rusting the metal weight bar at the bottom and soaking and discoloring the foam insulation. Gross!
I cleaned and dried it all best I could. I'm going to replace the foam I think. Is this a thing that happens when washing? I bought the bator used so I don't know how long it had been like that. I'm taking apart the top section and detailing that also. Incubating can be messy! What is a good disinfectant to use on the Eco20?
I've heard that someone sumerged theirs and that happened to it. There's really no reason to completly submerge it.. Just clean it with clorex clean up!!
a good and truly safe, chemical free way to clean--practice by several at least on the forum--is to clean with a mild dish detergent, then rinse; then clean with a white vinegar (and poss. with bkg. soda added) and water solution, then rinse.

vinegar kills bacteria and it is natural. again, it is used with success by at least some on byc. that's what i do, also.

baking soda takes care of odors which could occur due to hatching gunk, i guess.....................


dish soap and h2O, then rinse;

vinegar(bkg. soda) and water sol'n., then rinse;

Yinepu follows this with rinse with Hydrogen Peroxide and a rinse

maybe previous owner submerged it. bad.....................
day 12 and 40 out of original 44 rearin to go.

lockdown on Fri. the 9th...................

pretty good. one roo is daddy of em all!
I ordered mine on Saturday and it was delivered on Wed.! I thought that was pretty quick! I have read a lot about temp on the thread but not much talk on humidity. Any info on that would be great. I live in TN. so we do have a high nature humidity in the air, but now that it is winter we have the wood burn going and that dries the air out. What are you all using to check the humidity? I need to order/buy one soon. My eggs are all ready for delivery for the NYD hatch.


i just use several accurites from w-mart. 7.94 ea. even if they aren't absolutely dead on, that's okay, if they're off by a few % marks re. humidity.

if you keep track of moisture loss by weighing your eggs before setting and then again at set times--shooting for a 13 % total weight loss by day 21--plus, if you candle the eggs for air cell size, you should be fine.

you'll just have to exp. and see what happens, and learn from it.................

i am using two right now. ambient humidity has been from upper 20's to mid 40's so far. i have kept the units around 40 -45 RH.

but i also measure egg weight. that is the main thing i go by as a RH determinant.

plus guess work!!!

and just waiting to see how i did this time around

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