The Buckeye Thread

There is always more than one way to do things and my results have proven themselves. I realize that not everyone has 40 or so females at there disposal so I can understand the reluctance to cull if the numbers are limited. That is a decision one has to make for themselves.

I agree. I always advise people to read and think about what they've read. Take what works for you and discard the rest.
I have personally not found a bird that CONSISTENTLY lays a thin-shelled egg to be due to molting...molting birds typically do not lay at all. However, if she thinks it could be due to molting, the only way to know for sure is trap nesting, as you indicate. I would trap nest each bird for a few days to determine who it is, then I would separate her and watch. If she was on my farm, she would be culled if she continued laying a soft shell egg consistenlty. JMO.
I quite agree. Molting birds usually do not lay, as you say. But in my experience, sometimes, in the process of coming back into lay, the egg-laying apparatus misfires, and sends out an egg either with a thin shell, or none at all. It usually resolves itself in a day or two.

If I found one who was laying such eggs for more than about a week, she would indeed be culled. No room here to feed unthrifty birds. Part of why I raise this breed (aside from the emotional/historical connection for me) is because I expect them to earn their keep by providing eggs and meat. Any bird not capable of doing so is culled.

Culling for vigor and health is crucial, IMO. I seldom if ever use antibiotics or other medications, only having given antibiotics to a very expensive bird I purchased from someone else. As it was, she wound up unthrifty, and I culled her anyway.

Dr. Hatchet is a poultryman's friend when it comes to sick birds. But I recognize not everyone, especially those who are newer to poultry, with birds they consider pets, is as ruthless as some of the rest of us when it comes to dispatching the weak or ill.

And no one should be turned away, IMO, when seeking advice for such birds. That's what this forum is for, right? To help each other?
Bahaha! That reminds me of a photo I saw a year or two ago of a Buckeye/Silkie cross, that came from hatching eggs from a Buckeye breeder that supposedly had several different strains of Buckeyes that they kept pure. I always wondered how pure the Buckeye strains were if he couldn't even keep mutt birds out of the breeding pens lol. The silkie crosses are always cute as could be though :).

IMO. Accidents in breeding do happen. Especially if you have new help. I know I have had to be taught and we are helping my daughter learn. I think the true and good buckeye breeders will always make sure if something like that really did occur they would make it right. It's not like chickens wear chastity belts. Lol
Just my thoughts
Thank you. The LF judge was Jim Adkins, who (if I recall correctly) has now or in the past raised Buckeyes himself. 

My manners are lacking as well. Congratulations. It's unusual for a hen or pullet to win against roosters of any breed.

I bet your cockerel was pouting after the show this weekend since a female beat him. Or did he have to wait until she got home for her to tell him?
I have been looking at different breeds of chickens and am considering starting a flock of them. These sound like a wonderful breed. Can any of you tell me where I can find some nice Buckeyes if I choose to get them? I am not sure if I will breed them or not or if I will just keep them around to enjoy for myself. Can someone tell me the difference between Buckeyes and Rhode Island Reds?

Buckeye Hen (from further back on this thread)


My word of advice ... don't buy from a hatchery - DO buy from a breeder. I ordered my first Buckeye from a hatchery just to get a taste of the breed and what I got was closer to a buff orphington than even a RIR - let alone a buckeye ... now, I'll get good eggs from her .... but she ain't even near a buckeye! :)
Not putting hatcheries down - they do a great job in helping people get started and giving general different breeds. But if you have spent time doing research and really want a true breed - travel more and pay more for a breeder's birds.
I would only add, if you can, choose based on who's closest to you that might want to work with you, or at least pick their brains about setting up breeding pairs, etc. and culling decisions.
Thank you. The LF judge was Jim Adkins, who (if I recall correctly) has now or in the past raised Buckeyes himself. 

This brings up an interesting thought for poultry in general! Just because someone raises or as raised a specific breed of fowl doesn't mean they actually really know anything about it?!? This is why conducting your own research and coming to your own conclusions is so important!!!! Never follow someone or a group of someone's blindly! Make your own decisions!!!
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My manners are lacking as well. Congratulations. It's unusual for a hen or pullet to win against roosters of any breed.

I bet your cockerel was pouting after the show this weekend since a female beat him. Or did he have to wait until she got home for her to tell him?
LOL, not at all. They aren't even in the same pens, the cockerels are all by themselves in The Bachelor Pad. No access to the females at all.

Buckeye Hen (from further back on this thread)

I would only add, if you can, choose based on who's closest to you that might want to work with you, or at least pick their brains about setting up breeding pairs, etc. and culling decisions.
Thanks. I don't have that much knowledge on what to look for between breeds yet, or what is good or bad about a bird. I have an Standard of Perfection though, as a relative who used to raise birds years ago told me that I should have on if I am thinking about breeding them. He said that I would need to learn to breed them to the breed standard.
I do like the dark red. I really like the looks of the first hen's head. Kind of reminds me of a dinosaur shape. Hahaha Do chickens make sounds like dinosaurs? Someone on another site somewhere said they do. That would be really funny.
The other two breeds my husband and I are looking at are the Welsummers and Ameraucanas, maybe in white or black. Do any of you know if there are groups or sites for those breeds that would have good information for us?

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