The Buckeye Thread

You will find people that say "the bar of slate should only be on the back". Now; how much sense does that honestly make. You have that feature in your flock or you don't. I've yet to see a exhibition judge ever check a thigh or breast for undercolor. Regardless of what a person says, undercolor does indeed contribute to the overall color depth of this breed.

It's not just people, it's the Standard for the breed. You can either breed to the Standard, or not, no one is forcing anyone to do so. But judges can and do notice bar of slate where it's not supposed to be, and some will knock you for it.

Just fyi...
Thanks. I don't have that much knowledge on what to look for between breeds yet, or what is good or bad about a bird. I have an Standard of Perfection though, as a relative who used to raise birds years ago told me that I should have on if I am thinking about breeding them. He said that I would need to learn to breed them to the breed standard.
I do like the dark red. I really like the looks of the first hen's head. Kind of reminds me of a dinosaur shape. Hahaha Do chickens make sounds like dinosaurs? Someone on another site somewhere said they do. That would be really funny.

If you haven't done this already and most don' the first 40 pages before you do anything else. You need that information to understand your breed descriptions. Everyone goes to their breed Standard and that is fine as long as you know there is more stuff in this book (Standard).

If you haven't done this already and most don' the first 40 pages before you do anything else. You need that information to understand your breed descriptions. Everyone goes to their breed Standard and that is fine as long as you know there is more stuff in this book (Standard).


Good point Walt and that's where I started many moons ago.

The rest seems to be up to the breeders and judges interpretation of the SOP for their particular birds. IMO
Here's another of my birds with a show win (from last year), CH LF at the Something to Crow About show. Just to demonstrate I don't always keep all the very best birds for myself, LOL:
So this is a bird you sold to someone else and they have been showing it. Congratulations for them on their win. I'm not sure why you felt the need to demonstrate that you don't keep your best to yourself? No one has said that on here that I've read. Being a small flock owner of what "I" think is good stock I will not sell until I have a comfortable number. And then I will start with 4-h children and later when I'm Minniechickens level I'll branch out. All breeders keep back the brood stock that they think will further the breed on their farm and sell off those that don't fit into their breeding program but benefits others. IMO
Good point Walt and that's where I started many moons ago.

The rest seems to be up to the breeders and judges interpretation of the SOP for their particular birds. IMO
most judges are going to go for dark color, but many are not going to cut any more points than the Standard calls for under color.

So this is a bird you sold to someone else and they have been showing it. Congratulations for them on their win.

I'm not sure why you felt the need to demonstrate that you don't keep your best to yourself? No one has said that on here that I've read.


No, not here they haven't. Elsewhere, yes, repeatedly.

And this was one of a batch of 25 chicks sold to a customer. Not a started bird. When I say I sell chicks from "show quality" birds, the understanding is that they may grow up to be show quality themselves. And they can, as this bird demonstrates.

Just ran across the photo as I was looking through some folders today, thought I'd toss him up there. He is an uncommonly nice bird, IMO.
most judges are going to go for dark color, but many are not going to cut any more points than the Standard calls for under color.


Ok, so this begs the question:

If you were judging two Buckeyes, and one had a great deal of slate bar (all over) and one had a lesser amount (and that only in the saddle feathers), and the one with the lesser amount had superior type, that bird would be placed higher, yes?
Ok, so this begs the question:

If you were judging two Buckeyes, and one had a great deal of slate bar (all over) and one had a lesser amount (and that only in the saddle feathers), and the one with the lesser amount had superior type, that bird would be placed higher, yes?

He wasn't discussing "type" he was discussing color. Two different things. I would hope if someone is bringing a bird to show the foundation(type) would be there if the showers are experienced.

Newbies might not understand type but should be encouraged to read the Apa book of standards and learn the "type" they should buy or breed towards
But I wouldn't ask a judge to pick between them especially online!!! A lot more would have to go into consideration!

However, I'd enjoy talking about type; I've come across a few pics of late that I find perfect examples of the lack of type!!! Let me get them over to the correct format and we will make a go of it!

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