The Buckeye Thread

Okay so what I'm getting from here is opinions on pictures is not welcomed? Even if they're posted by yourself, anything negative is looked at as controversial/unacceptable?? How will anyone learn what & what not to look for?? Why must we go out of our way to not step on toes to better the breed overall??
I agree. I think a thread posting birds or parts in particular so that it is a tool to guide us into a better breeding program would be great. I think it would be helpful. I think someone did just that after her win. Pointing out the good and bad. Some of us are new to the breed and want to do right by the buckeyes.
And I guess as someone still new I wonder how color that intense can be there with the absence of slate. I think if I understand correctly she made sure it was there to help the color pop. Just things I wonder about as I read through the posts.
And my reasoning being if you paint a wall red. You have to have a base to bring out the rich color. I do enjoy re doing my home time to time and changing it up with vibrant colors
Part of why I love these beautiful birds
It is very difficult to find a good picture of chickens. I don't understand why people just don't use their own birds to point out faults. Post them and I'll find plenty of faults if you don't see them.


I'll throw out the first one for learning. I know the flaws feel free to comment newbies and all.
It is very difficult to find a good picture of chickens. I don't understand why people just don't use their own birds to point out faults. Post them and I'll find plenty of faults if you don't see them.


Walt I posted one feel free to comment. He is mine.
this is a great example of why it is hard to judge from a photo. He looked decent until I saw the top down pic. The width of back pinches in at the tail. I don't comment on online color.


Correct. Pinched tail. Narrow back small head. That is why I posted two pics.

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