The Buckeye Thread

I don't find Pathfinders' post to be inaccurate at all; if a person owns, for example, a hen that has wins "under her belt," that would likely be stated to the potential buyer. For example, "the chicks you'll be getting will include some from my hen that was" etc. That by NO means indicates that the buyer WILL or even MAY get a chick that ends up as show quality itself, but it "could" be construed as having the POTENTIAL - much moreso than a chick out of a hen with no wins.

Picking a post apart to the degree that some of you are doing is going to spiral this thread out of control; I strongly advise against these types of posts.
Holy cow, I wish that was the case for the Michigan state fair.  I was, frankly, apalled at the quality of birds I saw there this year.  NO OFFENSE to anyone who may have shown there, as I did not go through and look at them all; after a few rows of bird after bird that appeared to clearly be hatchery quality (again, nothign wrong that either...they do have their place, IMO), I left the area.  :oops:

Lol you are funny Wynette and I like the man hiding under the chair.

I've not seen other states state fairs so I can't speak for those ;-)
I agree with you Walt! It can be difficult for a single bird to do that but it is possible and for a bird to keep itself in shape to do such a feet says a lot about the bird.

but one judge thought it was a 4th place bird. It is the accumulation of wins that tells part of the story. ..The other part of the story is. .are these wins by the same bird. You can win with a Call duck male for 10 years and some folks will think that person is a good breeder. Good breeders don't always win because it only takes one outstanding bird to beat you all season. Bottom line is you need to look at the whole picture. P press used to put the placings from shows, so you could see who was really dominating the classes. Sometimes only the big winner placed in the class and none of the other exhibitors did because a good breeder took all the other places.

I think most state fairs can be APA sanctioned if the numbers are there and the judges are sanctioned. I know Ohio is; so you will get recognized by the APA for doing well in the open if the numbers are there.

Thank you blueface that is what I thought.
How many wins for the hen and roo to qualify the "chicks" as show quality?
Normally a breeder wouldn't state this when selling chicks as it might be construed as miss leading the customer unless the parents have the trophies to back that claim.

Take dogs as an example- champion father and champion mother- out of a litter of eight you might have one pup that can be sold as "show quality".

So if it takes 6-8 weeks in dogs and possibly 6 months in chickens to determine show quality how does a person sell chicks as "show" or "possible show" quality?

Just trying to understand the logic. To me a barn selling any animal should have a long show record of champs to claim "possible" show quality.

Not and argument just would like to understand.

I highly disagree about only 1 out 8 pups being sold as show quality. If that is the case then the breeder is fairly inexperienced and/or has a new line of dogs. Dogs I have been involved with were established for 5 to 6 generations or more and then carefully bred to a mate that in most cases shared ancestors in their pedigree, Linebred.

It is not unusual to have a pet quality pup, but most are sold as show quality at 8 weeks old. That does not mean they will make a CH. but in most cases there is a contract that no disqualifying faults will develop in the dog. It still does not mean they will win.

ha ha ha Wynette is sooooo right .... and it is also a disservice to the group in general. You see, when someone doesn't try to understand a statement that may be general and we all know there are circumstances we can dream up to show an exception to every rule ... well then, a post would have to be so convoluted and long to show those "show offs" that their "gottcha" position was taken into consideration, but didn't have direct bearing on the present topic ..... and

Geez - you can see how even my explanation here could go on for PAGES - for heaven's sakes, would all of you stop it ? If someone you don't like posts something you don't like, why in H. E. double toothpicks don't you just ignore it ? I am on another thread where two major posters have come to this mature ..... stand off ..... and that benefits all the rest of us.

Every single new topic on here is bombed. Do stuff like the pepper topic .... mine don't - mine do - some of mine will and a separate coop won't ... now that is helpful and respectful. Do that with show stuff eh? Or I'm outta here. I know I am not the glue that holds this thread together :) ha ha ha but I am getting sick of reading self-righteous snark and disappointed that the mods aren't helping more - or if they are - that they don't realize their pm's are not having a lasting impression.

MY fair experience - upstate NY had terrible quality and birds in poor heath. One VT fair had nearly NO entries and one fair in VT had so many and in such good state that it was inspiring ..... So we can't know unless we are there. Now, if I were the only one who entered .... that is not MY fault - and if the judge looked my bird over and didn't give me any slamming remarks, I would still say I have a winning bird :) That wouldn't mean I would not realize it was not the best bird in the whole wide world .... but I would have taken the time and put in the expense to show, and therefore that ribbon and first place belong to me.
(but to the relief of some here - I don't show)
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I am new to showing and picked 2 rare breeds for new england
Buckeyes and Barnevelders --- I showed my Barnevelders at our local fair to
test out waters --- it was 10 mins from my house!!! I asked the vet running the show to tell the judge to be frank my birds were only 4 1/2 mos old
To my surprise the pullet won best senior female and they didnt seem to mind being cooped in the keippers for 2 days!!! I realize there are more hatchery birds etc at fairs but mine was exceptionally clean and pleasant!!! Second show was Little Rhody 87 miles away. I took 4 birds 3 won best of breed 1st. I got to meet many of the serious ne breeders with a few missing due to sussex jersey show!!! Showing is not the be all end all but imo
you breeders with show wins should be charging more for your started birds!!!!
People want quality and variety and they will pay for that!!!
I highly disagree about only 1 out 8 pups being sold as show quality. If that is the case then the breeder is fairly inexperienced and/or has a new line of dogs. Dogs I have been involved with were established for 5 to 6 generations or more and then carefully bred to a mate that in most cases shared ancestors in their pedigree, Linebred.

 It is not unusual to have a pet quality pup, but most are sold as show quality at 8 weeks old. That does not mean they will make a CH. but in most cases there is a contract that no disqualifying faults will develop in the dog. It still does not mean they will win.


The one I'm currently looking at is just now two generations. Of the current litter of eight I'm the only one selecting show quality. Of the remaining pups she has stated one other might be show quality. She has been breeding the mini version for over 20 years many champ wins.

Of the standard size one has made it to Westminster.

Sounds like I can ask you showing questions in the future. Newbie there.
On a lot of threads, I see a lot of comparing dogs with chickens and horses with chickens, etc. but IMHO, it is completely different, not the same. I admit there are a lot of folks who know a lot more than I do about both, but I just believe you cannot compare the two in any way that makes sense. It is like apples and oranges.
The one I'm currently looking at is just now two generations. Of the current litter of eight I'm the only one selecting show quality. Of the remaining pups she has stated one other might be show quality. She has been breeding the mini version for over 20 years many champ wins.

Of the standard size one has made it to Westminster.

Sounds like I can ask you showing questions in the future. Newbie there.

No expert here for sure, but 2 generations is not much. Don't get me started on mini, teacup, etc versions! A lot of breeders breed for flavor of the month. Not Good for anyone in the long run!


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