The Buckeye Thread

On a lot of threads, I see a lot of comparing dogs with chickens and horses with chickens, etc. but IMHO, it is completely different, not the same. I admit there are a lot of folks who know a lot more than I do about both, but I just believe you cannot compare the two in any way that makes sense. It is like apples and oranges.

In Both Dog Shows & Chicken Shows you are depending on the opinion of one person!

I agree that breeding the 2 is probably a totally different project.

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One of the things I like about going to shows is seeing others' birds (Buckeyes and other breeds). When I see a really nice RIR, or N.H, or another Buckeye (or other breed) I like, after the judging, I try to talk with the exhibitor /breeder. They are always very knowledgeable about their breed (more than you can find in any book). I ask them about what they like about their bird, its good points, what they are trying to improve, etc. I ask them if I can hold their bird. They always let me. I feel of its body and consciously, I am sizing up length & width of back, depth of body, the fleshing on the bird. I think it helps to understand better the differences in the Buckeye and other breeds. I sometimes ask what they feed their birds especially, if it has exceptional feather quality.

Shows can be a learning experience. It has helped me improve with my own birds.
In Both Dog Shows & Chicken Shows you are depending on the opinion of one person! ;)

I agree that breeding the 2 is probably a totally different project.

true, but in a chicken show the owner of the animal is not apparent as it is in a dog show.
There is a huge difference in the two when it comes to breeding.
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Mine love the zucchinis and steered clear of the pumpkins as well. They weren't very keen on watermelon either.

Tomatoes they won't touch.
Other than citrus and banana peels (which go to the goats anyway), the only things my birds won't eat are raw carrots, garlic and potato peels. but I can toss all three in a pot, cover with water and simmer for 15 minutes and they'll clean it up as soon as it's cool enough to eat.
As far as whether or not winning at a show without breed competition is a meaningful win, I would think that whether bird advances to Champ or Reserve in the group, or higher, would give a better idea of it's quality compared to the other birds in the show. At a show recently, I remember seeing only one Naked Neck, but it was a **** fine bird that went on to take Best in Show.
I personally would not compare dog or horse shows to poultry shows, as for most people the goal of the former is to spotlight (finish) an individual animal, while the goal of a poultry show is to spotlight the overall work of a breeder.

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