The Buckeye Thread

Always having fun!!!
My friend won the Buckeye chick raffle at the EOPA show and surprised me with them! Does anyone know the breeder? They are nice little chicks! I have an oldler Buckeye hen that is lonesome because her mate just died from injuries inflicted by another rooster that got into his pen and and now she acts like she wants to take the babies for her own! Do you think this will work??? Pat is a nice gentle hen and follows me around like a dog........
Those chicks were from my free range buckeyes. They've been with a broody since she hatched them in the wild field. If she is gentle with them, and covers them when they get chilly, and you can watch them for a while, I don't see why not. I would suggest you pen them separate from the rest of the flock though. I think they would be safer. You will have better success keeping them in a brooder always. But if she takes them as her own, it may work. We are happy they found a good home.
Thank you very much - they are very nice chicks and seem to be happy! I have put electrolytes in their water so they wouldn't be stressed. Um - they are better than being in the coop with my flock - they are in my fully enclosed back porch in a large dog kennel........they are very happy and this way I can keep talking to them so they will be really accustomed to people! Yes, Pat is in there with them!

Am a newbie buckeye mom with 13 pullets and 2 roos that are free ranged and securely housed at night.. All I can say is I have never had so much fun with a breed - personality, sweet, calm temperment, vigor in our environs in N idaho. Amazing foragers- even play with my friggin' cat :)

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