The Buckeye Thread

Do you let the birds you use for shows free-range or do you keep them in cages or in smaller pens? My Buckeyes do follow me all around outside - they never run in fear and the my roosters are always very nice and know they can't breed when I am around. All I have to do is holler their names and they stop what they are doing and look at me with kind of a quilty look on their face! They protect me if my New Hampshire rooster comes after me - they whup the dickens out of him! I really do love my Buckeyes! I want to learn everything I can about the breed and be able to recognize in depth the good and bad qualities. Joe, you said something about which one is the dominant in the breed - did you mean the male or the female carries the strongest genes? If you have a roo that is very strong in his frame but has a not as much gray barring on the back and you breed him with a hen that is really deep colored and strong gray barring will it carry through with big frames and good color on the off-spring? What is the point system for each quality - like do you place build over color or not even breed those chickens? I have a lot more questions.......sorry!!!
Please don't apologize!! Everybody has to start somewhere :) I'm eating dinner now and I'll reply a little later. Some will say that build or type is the most important thing...and according to the SOP....that is true....BUT!!! If you read back through Nettie's writings and description of her breed; she felt that good color was just as important as type!!! I go by that method of thinking and breed a complete bird!!! Not just one with a big body. I feel that is where many breeders of this breed have really messed up. This whole idea of building a barn the painting it hasn't really worked out all that well nearly a decade later. This is why there are far to many orange buckeyes out there and a lot of it has to do with ALBC "guidelines" that were followed blindly. I'll address the rest later.
Do you let the birds you use for shows free-range or do you keep them in cages or in smaller pens? My Buckeyes do follow me all around outside - they never run in fear and the my roosters are always very nice and know they can't breed when I am around. All I have to do is holler their names and they stop what they are doing and look at me with kind of a quilty look on their face! They protect me if my New Hampshire rooster comes after me - they whup the dickens out of him! I really do love my Buckeyes! I want to learn everything I can about the breed and be able to recognize in depth the good and bad qualities. Joe, you said something about which one is the dominant in the breed - did you mean the male or the female carries the strongest genes? If you have a roo that is very strong in his frame but has a not as much gray barring on the back and you breed him with a hen that is really deep colored and strong gray barring will it carry through with big frames and good color on the off-spring? What is the point system for each quality - like do you place build over color or not even breed those chickens? I have a lot more questions.......sorry!!!

All of my older males have been penned to allow the young males to develop better. I don't use small pens....I provide spacious pens for anything that has advanced past the selection process.
I think they rather choose being fed over breeding when you are around...chickens will be chicks and breed when ever they want (or the males will at least try ;) )
Sounds like you need to butcher a New Hampshire rooster!!
Learning about the breed takes'll come in time unless you choose to be closed minded....always be willing to accept different ideas but also have the common sense to see what is working and what doesn't.
What you are referencing is that the buckeye is a male selected breed. Nettie bred the birds to specifically select the males and their appearance. But with that being said, you need good females to produce the desired males.....if someone claims to have great sure to look at the males in that line because if the males look like good are the females...,really?
Without knowing the history or the genetics in your line of birds, I can't answer that breeding question with any certainty. All that I can do is suggest that you try it and see the outcome of the mating.
As the the APA points's only a 1/2 point or a point deduction but rather than quantify it on a points on breeding a complete bird to present to a judge. I try to in courage people to breed their buckeyes as Nettie intended them to be :)
There is smorgasbord of sure to read about the breed and see for yourself what the different lines are doing/achieving. Make sure the are happy with your choice and don't take any bodies word for it!!
Thanks for your help with sexing my Buckeyes! For inexplicable reasons, I get error messages every time I try to load any photo files from my computer ( have tried .jpg, .tif..bmp) and have changed my computer settings to not restrict the upload. After carefully examining hackle, saddle feathers of my "straight-run" flock, and checking pics online I have NONE with anything resembling cockerel pointed feathers or behavior. We just started getting eggs 3 weeks ago and to date I have 10 out of 14 verified layers ( those I actually observed in the nest boxes) and they include those with the largest, most red pea combs and wattles in the flock. So based on these data I'm thinking, I must have no boys...Happy with this peaceful flock but would like to consider breeding a year or two down the road with a cockerel and pullet true to support the breed and Buckeye SOP :)
Thanks for your help with sexing my Buckeyes! For inexplicable reasons, I get error messages every time I try to load any photo files from my computer ( have tried .jpg, .tif..bmp) and have changed my computer settings to not restrict the upload. After carefully examining hackle, saddle feathers of my "straight-run" flock, and checking pics online I have NONE with anything resembling cockerel pointed feathers or behavior. We just started getting eggs 3 weeks ago and to date I have 10 out of 14 verified layers ( those I actually observed in the nest boxes) and they include those with the largest, most red pea combs and wattles in the flock. So based on these data I'm thinking, I must have no boys...Happy with this peaceful flock but would like to consider breeding a year or two down the road with a cockerel and pullet true to support the breed and Buckeye SOP :)

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