The Buckeye Thread

Hello all. I haven't been on here in quite some time. The Ohio National is coming up quickly and I just wanted to check in and see who all was planning on attending. I know this group of people always have a great time there. We don't get to see each other often, but when we do it's always a blast. I'd like for us to have a bigger turnout this year than any year past. AND Josh and I will have matching shirts this year. I can't wait to see you all.

Someone had to run the camera, Josh. And I think she did that on purpose. I plan on being there hat and all. This crew in the pic is a lot of fun. I will also be leaving the checkbook at home again this year. Fortunately for me, Lydia beat me to that pair of golden pheasants and Phil Rybinski won the coop at the raffle, so I had nowhere to put any snowflake quail. Should be some nice Buckeyes this year if Shumaker Farms shows up. I think Syd can give the Rybinski girls a run for their money this year.
Just want to tell you that the one cockerel that I didn't think was the best but that you guys told me was better at EOP show last month - all of a sudden that cockerel has started growing into himself! I checked all of my cockerals today and he is gaining like crazy! He really does look better than the other two cockerels we had at the show and he is becoming very meaty. You are right - his frame is bigger. I can't remember, did you tell me that the backs should be longer on the males? I can't wait for you to see how Sir William has grown! I will have them all at Ohio National.
Just want to tell you that the one cockerel that I didn't think was the best but that you guys told me was better at EOP show last month - all of a sudden that cockerel has started growing into himself! I checked all of my cockerals today and he is gaining like crazy! He really does look better than the other two cockerels we had at the show and he is becoming very meaty. You are right - his frame is bigger.  I can't remember, did you tell me that the backs should be longer on the males? I can't wait for you to see how Sir William has grown! I will have them all at Ohio National.

That's good to hear. Yeah, the backs need to be "rather long" according to the's been a common trend that the backs of the bucks are getting shorter in an effort to broaden the chest....they are beginning to take a more Cornish body rather than a "modified" Cornish body. I've heard this very complaint from a few judges now when I asked them about other buckeyes they have seen throughout the country. The three main problems I've heard are their backs not being long enough, poor head width and poor color....
I'll be at the ON with couple of my birds....there is going to be a huge show from what I gather. It's to bad these huge numbers don't show up to several of the shows throughout the year.
I am really looking forward to ON....I hope our birds are all in great shape for the show and I really am looking forward to talking to all you folks who appreciate chickens as much as we do! I want to learn as much as possible during the show! My granddaughter is so excited - we have quite a few entries. I hope we get a confirmation from ON because Kayleigh didn't copy down what she sent on the entry blank! I have mine for open written down, so I am ok there!
Hello Folks,

I'm looking to get some chickens soon and I'm undecided on the breed. I;m looking hard at the Buckeye and some others. I have enjoyed reading the thread and thank all the contributors, you are a dedicated bunch with passion for the breed. Have a good evening.


Welcome!! We would be really biased and tell you they are the right birds for you. They are the perfect fowl for our farm. I am partial to their roots, but their demeanor, vibrance, calmness, and personalities are why we love them so much. That and my fiance just made the best chicken dish I have ever had with our home grown birds. Yeah, we definitely recommend buckeyes, but everyone has their own reasons. You are welcome to chat here anytime you like, and ask us anything you can think of. We are here to help most of all.
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I hear from reading a lot .. that buckeyes get a disease later and die from is this true ...what is good and bad about them in ur opinon please do tell me
I'm not sure what you are referring. Go back and quote the post you are referring to. Then we know will what you are talking about.

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