The Buckeye Thread

My guess is Buckeye rooster and gamefowl hen, Or, possibly Gamefowl rooster and dominique hen. The large white earlobes would probably come from the Game, The dominique hen would pass the barred gene to him. I'd guess that if EE was part of the mix you'd see dark legs, and maybe a beard and/or muffs, and smaller comb/wattles on your rooster.
If your game fowl hen has black (or is silver, black and white will show on a silver based bird) I'd guess Buckeye and gamefowl, rather than the gamefowl/dominique as the comb does look more pea than rosecomb. If he was a straight buckeye/dominique cross he'd be barred black with some red, with a walnut comb.
Whatever he is he's a handsome dude!
Can you post a picture of your gamefowl hen? That could help narrow down the possibilities.

It's pretty unlikely that there's any buff orpington, red star or cochin in his background. If he was a delaware/game cross he'd have a single comb.
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I got a short video of him this morning! Some of our chickens usually run from me when I have a camera in my hand.

Here is the Game hen. She is bantam sized.

Hmmmm now things are getting weird, I'll have to re think! I corrected some mistakes I made about the barred gene in my previous post, sorry, not enough coffee this morning! I'll try and figure this out. This is why I love the crosses- even when you think you an predict what you get, you get some interesting stuff!

Whe I looked at your video, he looked red mixed sometimes and black mixed other times- does he actually have a lot of black, or is he mostly red mixed?
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Hmmmm now things are getting weird, I'll have to re think! I corrected some mistakes I made about the barred gene in my previous post, sorry, not enough coffee this morning! I'll try and figure this out. This is why I love the crosses- even when you think you an predict what you get, you get some interesting stuff!

Whe I looked at your video, he looked red mixed sometimes and black mixed other times- does he actually have a lot of black, or is he mostly red mixed?
He has a lot of black with the white and gold throughout.

The white on the earlobes could be from the little Gamefowl rooster. Got a new picture of him this morning. The sun was shining on him but you can still see the white.
I a sticking with the Dom hen and the BrownRed Game. There is enough red to cause the leakage in the hackles and sickles, but the black with the silver barred from the Dom can come out with a whacky black and white pattern. The comb looks like a bad rose comb shape without the spike to me.
It is like a puzzle to solve without really knowing the right answer. It is kind of fun.
I'm pretty sure that there is game as part of the cross, one of them anyway. it looks like your red and white game rooster fits the bill, and he has the the light hackle and the only one with white earlobes, makes me think he's dad passing on that light hackle to his son. Figuring out mom is I think your rooster has a mixed pea comb, or whatever it is, it's not a single comb so if Dad has a single comb Mom can't have a single comb as well or the chicks would all have single combs including your mystery cockerel.
. The tricky part is figuring out where the black came from- can't be the dominique or the cockerel in question would be barred. Can't be the Delaware or the comb would be single. I'm pretty sure your mystery rooster would be red, rhather than mostly black, if there was Buckeye in the cross.I'm wondering if he's a cross with an EE and that red and white game rooster. I'm still trying to figure this all out!

Minniechickmama have you ever had a chick show lots of black, that came from mostly red parents? I didn't think that was possible........That has me stumped.
Last edited: two cents...
I'm thinking this boy is from

one of the Buckeye hens and this rooster...

Watching the video of the cockerel we are trying to match ...he has black and brown as well as some breast feathering similiar to the lighter male. The rooster has white ear lobes too.

the lacing on his neck could come from both the hen and the cock ...and the comb looks like a pea comb to me.
The single comb when paired with a p[ea comb can be thicker in height and longer in length.... two cents...
I'm thinking this boy is from

one of the Buckeye hens and this rooster...

Watching the video of the cockerel we are trying to match ...he has black and brown as well as some breast feathering similiar to the lighter male. The rooster has white ear lobes too.

the lacing on his neck could come from both the hen and the cock ...and the comb looks like a pea comb to me.
The single comb when paired with a p[ea comb can be thicker in height and longer in length....
I have been thinking these are his parents too but the black is throwing me off. I figure he got the white earlobes and the colorful feathering from the dad and the height from mom. He is as tall as our oldest Buckeye rooster and walks just like him. I can't remember if I said that there have been at least 3 separate hatches with roosters that look like him. I have another one that looks just like him only 3 weeks younger. I gave my neighbor some eggs back in February and he hatched one that looks like them too so that makes 3. He is not aggressive at all and takes care of 6 hens. Could the black come from the past BB Red and the daddy Game rooster some how. I just reaching now.

Back in April we drove over to a farm just outside Columbia SC and picked up a dozen eggs that were supposed to be all Buckeye. The people had separated their breeds and waited 30 days to start waiting on pure eggs. Not sure what happened but out of the 12 eggs we had 2 Buckeye pullets, 3 Buckeye Roosters, 1 pullet that is a result of their Australorp rooster over a Buckeye hen (she is a big beautiful girl) and 2 that look like Buckeyes (1 male, 1 female) but they have straight combs so I think maybe a RIR rooster over a Buckeye hen. All of the eggs came from the Buckeye pen nest boxes so I at least know that the hens were Buckeye. When I let the lady know about the ones that were not pure she apologized. I told her not to worry she had no way of knowing that had happened. We found the farm through the conservancy website. I checked with her this weekend and their farm was messed up with all the flooding but the animals were all ok.
Those games look more like leghorn mixes to me. Tail, build and leg station doesn't look right. No telling what they might throw. The mystery rooster does have a heavy buckeye build to him though.

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