The Buckeye Thread

Has anyone else had problems with their Buckeye Rooster's nails cutting their hens? I don't know if he is just too big/heavy for the hens or what. Even though his nails didn't seem sharp to me I used a Dremel to round them out so they are not sharp at all. I had to separate the rooster from the hens so they can heal.
Oh ok. I thought this was the Buckeye thread. Sorry.

My Buckeye's don't seem to get very long or sharp spurs, and that is what usually causes the most damage. I would try saddles if they are getting too rough with the hens if you are that concerned. My hens all look like someone plucked their backs an the tops of their heads by the time Summer rolls around, but those who get saddles don't get torn up so much.
My Buckeye's don't seem to get very long or sharp spurs, and that is what usually causes the most damage. I would try saddles if they are getting too rough with the hens if you are that concerned. My hens all look like someone plucked their backs an the tops of their heads by the time Summer rolls around, but those who get saddles don't get torn up so much.
I was told to start a new thread so I guess I wasn't supposed to post on here. Their spurs are small and round so I don't think it was the spurs. I live in GA and it's already warm during the day so saddle aprons would probably be too hot. Thank you for your advice.
I was told to start a new thread so I guess I wasn't supposed to post on here. Their spurs are small and round so I don't think it was the spurs. I live in GA and it's already warm during the day so saddle aprons would probably be too hot. Thank you for your advice.

I use them sometimes in the Summer and it gets hot here too. Just covering their backs with them, if they have sufficient water and shade will help with the problem, I think. It is better than having to mend torn backs. I have had a few hens get ripped on their thighs from spurs, and sometimes you don't see those right away because their wings and feathers will cover those areas. I would check them over good once a week or so if you are worried he is causing damage.
Ok, didnt know if the colors of their feathers coming in could give some clue for now, since they seem to be different hues

I believe it is 7 times that a chicken will molt between being hatched and their adult plumage. Those first feathers are not very telling. Once they get about 8 weeks, then some calls can be made on color. However, unless you are breeding them, I wouldn't get too hung up on it. If they are just for a laying flock or utility type, then if they make you happy, that is what counts.
I use them sometimes in the Summer and it gets hot here too. Just covering their backs with them, if they have sufficient water and shade will help with the problem, I think. It is better than having to mend torn backs. I have had a few hens get ripped on their thighs from spurs, and sometimes you don't see those right away because their wings and feathers will cover those areas. I would check them over good once a week or so if you are worried he is causing damage.
Yes that is where they were hurt, under their wing just on one side. But when I checked his spur that would go on that side nothing was sharp. The spurs are round like the end of a finger and are maybe 1/2 to 1" long. Where do you get the aprons from? I bought one for another hen last year but it was too thick.

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